COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

That category isn’t particularly important for the narrative being crafted, that white evangelicals are the main driver of vaccine hesitancy.

hospitals already did this for admissions, right? i think i’d put them throughout public services wherever it made sense, but obviously i’m not the cdc. i get that fda/cdc is basically trying to be very careful with a vaccine that’s already fastest to rollout in history. like, there’s absolutely the argument that we should vaccinate in detention, courts, dmvs, even post offices, but you cannot have it appear or be coercive either. but in the other hand, after a hundred million vaccinated without bad effects, the upside is saving literally tens of thousands who would otherwise die.

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White evangelicals.

Minority evangelical numbers are probably in line with regular numbers, just like how they voted for Hillary 2-1 over Trump.

Also, the white evangelical population is primarily in the South, so Southern whites = Republican = WOAT is more of a geographical take than a religious one.

no, we always only swabbed and cohorted patients based on risk and test results

Now if you come in with a broken arm or lac you might get a covid shot.

brb, going to go break my arm.


ha, this is a low key trial run for now. Not a fan honestly, my hospital isn’t being aggressive enough getting people in vaccination clinics.

Don’t know about arm, but I definitely would have broken a finger to get a covid shot.

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One of my partner’s friends got shot 1 of the Moderna vaccine back in February. They never scheduled her for a second dose. When her time came around and she started looking for 2nd dose appointments she was unable to schedule one–presumably due to lack of available appointments, idk. After a few days of trying to schedule an appointment she got someone on the phone who basically told her “sorry, it’s been too long since your first dose so we aren’t going to schedule you for a 2nd. You’re going to have to start over.”

I heard this all 2nd hand so I have no idea of the specifics, but that seems absolutely crazy to me and essentially is a wasted dose. (Also, isn’t the window for 2nd dose efficacy wider than just a few days?)

Related note, I’m having a hell of a time scheduling a 2nd dose separately from the 1st dose. Most places require you to schedule both at the same time. CVS is the only provider I’ve seen that allows you to choose 2nd-dose-only, but obviously there are no appointments anywhere nearby anyways.

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my dad was given the j&j on discharge in upstate NY hospital. he already had an appointment for week later for dose one.

Got my first shot at Walmart last week and they wouldn’t schedule the second dose. They only book five days out, so I have to wait until just before it’s time for the second to try to find an appointment. I’ll probably start looking at other places soon, as long as I can find out that they have Moderna.

This seems so ridiculous to me. How many people will end up missing their 2nd dose because they couldn’t find an appointment? Hopefully you’re able to track one down.

Always fun to see team non-believer just continually crushing things


Vert ramp

Video camera


Title it “Breaking my arm for covid vaccine”

Instant millionaire


Also, do your best to make Grape Lady noises after you beef it.


I was scheduled by our county for shot 1, they are supposed to send shot 2 scheduling 1-2 weeks before the second

At least you’ve got a Canada-good insurance plan now

Seems that restrictions implemented in the Czech Republic on moving between districts a couple of weeks ago has led to a slow decline in cases, reduced positivity rate on PCR tests and a reproduction rate slightly above 0.8. Of course, the government’s already talking about removing those restrictions next week instead of letting them work some more.

It’s all politics. People want to YOLO it up the instant things get even slightly better then bitch when everything goes to shit again.

We’re starting to vaccinate a bit faster now. We’ve almost caught up to the EU average for shots per 100 people.

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That’s more incendiary than Charlie Hebdo.


I am guessing if half of appointments are no shows it is much worse the farther out they are booked.

It’s unfortunate there is no central system for this.

Right now where I live everything is done through the county. I just got a phone call today telling me about Texas opening up Monday and people can start registering now.

But they just give you an appointment. You can reschedule it (I did it once and had a large number of times and days) but I haven’t seen any of it tie in with commercial retailers yet.

Nah that was pretty light. A more provocative caption would be “First Italian Soccer Player Vaccinated”.

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