COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I wouldn’t say ‘no chance’, just that the chance of it causing it is much lower than the risk of covid. We have a lot of data on the immediate risks of taking the vaccine. If such a risk exists, it’s quite small.

Well, MrsWookie didn’t have to wait long for her real email. It came tonight, and she gets her first shot next Tuesday.


Does she have anything special that moves her up or is she just a regular young healthy person, which I assume means Oregon is open to everyone now.

Oregon isn’t open to everyone. It’s apparently one of the most restrictive states still. It expanded availability a couple-few days ago, which gave MrsWookie a new question pertaining to her eligibility to say yes to, but at the time she updated her status to say yes to that question, she was not yet eligible based on it. I’m not sure if her status changed based on that question alone, or if there is now just much more broad criteria for eligibility (I suspect the former). I also don’t recall what the new question was.

I seriously have no idea how anyone in CA is using the CVS website for anything. It didn’t even ask if I work in education or childcare - and then told me I was ineligible.

So I told it I only need a second dose and it said - sorry, nothing nearby. LA is just a complete clusterfuck.

Glad I got up at 4am and got one of the mega pods, and already have a second appt. But I’d really love to see this shit open up because it means we’re closer to this thing being over.

And here’s Walgreens. And I’m still waiting on that invite from my health insurer. I have no idea how people are actually finding appts.

My experience in NY is that the pharmacies are complete crap with this shit. If you want to get a vaccine you go to one of the mass vaccine sites.

CVS wouldn’t let me schedule one dose without scheduling the second at the same time. That’s weird, Suzzer.

Separately, gonna be a lot of this:


Wednesday poll:

Where are you in the COVID vaccine timeline?
  • Over 2 weeks since second shot.
  • Got second shot less than 2 weeks ago.
  • In between first and second shot.
  • Have appointment for first shot.
  • Eligible, but unable to find appointment.
  • Still waiting to be declared eligible.

0 voters

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The government said that an analysis of the samples collected from India’s western Maharashtra state shows “an increase in the fraction of samples with the E484Q and L452R mutations” compared with December last year.

“Such [double] mutations confer immune escape and increased infectivity,” the Health Ministry said in a statement.

Oh cool. Didn’t hear that. Still good news I know some people waiting on it.

I’ve had the same experience as you with all of the pharmacy sites except Walgreens. Seems impossible to get an appointment with CVS, RiteAid or the grocery stores. Walgreens releases new appointments somewhat frequently and their site makes it easy to just keep trying different zipcodes. I’ve had luck using zips near downtown LA and places like Lancaster and Victorville.


Trying different locations is the key to CVS as well. Also using cities, not zip codes. I took these screenshots just now.

Also the LAFD sites and Hollywood Presbyterian.


This is from Tarrant county judge:

However, Whitley said a challenge they are facing is the number of people who sign up for a vaccine and then do not show up for their appointments.

“As much as people have said ‘We want to get our vaccines, we want to get our vaccines,’ the challenge that we’re facing is

Half of people not showing up for appointments.


psst don’t tell anyone, we’re trialing giving covid vaccines to some ER patients.


Honestly, that’s way better than I’d hoped. We may beat this thing after all?

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Evangelicals never fail as WOAT demographic group.


They’re warshed in the blood

That pole appears to be missing a pretty critical “other” category.