COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Yup. It does make you wonder what the net political fallout from the EU’s (mis)handling of the vaccines will be…what with the French Presidential election in a year’s time and Germany going to the polls in 6 months.

Im ok with that. That’s a much better route.

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Yeah, I hope they can turn things around in the meantime but there’s some signs of an increase in people who would sit out a potential Macron / Le Pen second round because of just continual failure on COVID. And, what’s more, the case numbers over the last few days suggest France might be about to hit a period of fast growth. Not good on many many levels.

This is somewhat doable, although potentially complicated by boosters and non-trivial to implement given state by state markets. Id be uncomfortable doing this until the vaccine is fully approved and not under EUA.

Walmart appointments are available at midnight.

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70% said they would get the needle. Looks like some of those were either lying, have gotten cold feet or they are thinking now that “if everyone else takes it then I won’t have to” or “well, I actually probably already had covid last year that one time so…”

By July 4th, my guess is we are around ~58% of US adults vaccinated.

According to the CDC data, 69% of those 65 or older have received at least one dose. Not everyone in that group that wants a vaccine has gotten one yet, so it looks like that group will ultimately exceed a 70% acceptance rate. This is the group that should be most receptive to the vaccine, however, so overall adult acceptance likely ends up well south of this.

Some no’s are also convertible with the right outreach. I think 70% still a reasonable target. Your number probably a touch aggressive for 7/4, but 70% 12 months into the vaccination program seems doable.

Good news is, man these vaccines rock (I know, variants. We can booster and even with some decline here these vaccines rock)

My kid’s girlfriend’s mother is full-on antivax - “I won’t let you be a guinea pig”, “don’t give in to the fear”, etc. She is apparently big into this thing called HeartMath:

The father seems less insane, but he and the mother are separated and he’s trying to keep it amicable, so he won’t rock the boat on the vaccine issue.

My kid and the girlfriend (who has lifelong heart issues) are plotting ways for her to get vaccinated without either parent involved. Our experience yesterday at CVS proves that’s very doable, but beyond that I can’t get drawn in any further.

FYI @microbet these are very wealthy Manhattan Beach folk.

Sharks, let me introduce you to “Vaccine With a Prize Inside”


I was actually confused when we discussed this a couple weeks ago. At that time, I thought it was Babis who wanted to approve Sputnik (because he did) and that his minister was blocking him, but he needed the president to sack the minister before he could get it done. But now I see that was mistaken, and that Babis has always had the power to fire the health minister, but instead he’s just getting publicly rolled by his own subordinate and the EU while his country burns for no apparent reason??

The closest location to me is over an hour away.


I think that we are about to start massively ramping up giving out needles so that anyone who wants one by July 4th will be able to get it.

Is Babis basing this on medical evidence or just feels?

I’ve never met the man, so I couldn’t tell you. AFAICT the peer-reviewed research indicates that the vaccine is safe and effective, so if he’s working on feels he’s got good intuition.

And so does the ability for the Czech medical regulator to approve it without waiting for the EMA.

Closest to me is apparently 4.25 hours away. Probably not worth it.

It seems reasonable to me to wait for the phase III trials to finish before approving the vaccine, but I guess if they want to rely on this guy’s spidey sense instead that seems cool.

I think I’ve only been inside a Krispy Kreme once and they gave me a free donut just for being there waiting in line.

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Getting 2-3 patients per shift now who are fully vaccinated.

It’s pretty fucking awesome honestly.