COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Assuming these are patients coming in for reasons not related to covid?

Sounds like the vaccine is making people sick!


Yeah, typical old person shit: chest pain, abdominal pain, etc.

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Apparently they both do.

Anyway, the president cannot unilaterally fire anyone. The PM has to go to the president and get approval to do it. Zeman has wanted to fire the Health Minister for months but the PM has blocked it. If both wanted Sputnik and had somebody who would take the job and approve it for them (they actually had trouble filling the position last time given how undesirable it has become), they probably would have fired Jan Blatny a while ago.

Being the Health Minister is a purely political position. Science doesn’t factor into it and it’s why we’re in this situation.

It synergizes well with the radio transmissions my fillings pick up.

Got my first jab of the Pfizer vaccine today!

I’m a tad worried, because one of the screening questions was “have you received any other vaccine in the last two weeks?” and I got last year’s flu shot and a TDAP booster 10 days ago to be compliant for my new job.

I said no and asked what would have happened if I HAD? And they said they’d make me re-schedule.

It was so much of a hassle getting scheduled for THIS vaccine that I threw caution to the wind and said fck it I don’t care

I’m not ruining the efficacy of any of these vaccines or putting myself at risk, am I @CaffeineNeeded ?

Zero reactions to the covid vaccine so far


whatever it’s done now, no sense worrying about it. can’t think of why you’d be at risk or why it wouldn’t work.


While the rest of us will only get 6G cell reception, you’ll likely be up to 10G with the combined power of all of those vaccines at the same time.


After all, what’s the big rush?

Great article, everyone should read it. It’s a perfect summation of my take on “Long Covid” and far better than anything I could write.


This is fucking stupid. Just end the tiering. NY’s 7dma of vaccines is going down because of demand problems. The risk difference of covid to a healthy 31 year old versus 51 year old is negligible.


Is the need to rush out the vaccine worth the risk of cutting corners on safety testing? I have no idea, it sounds complicated and I have no background in this. I don’t know why you think we should rely on this one guy’s intuition instead of the judgement of the EU’s regulators.

Yeah, this is infuriating.

Is removing patents for covid vaccines going to ramp up production or are these countries just angling to try to avoid spending $4-10/person?

Reducing it to 50 will increase the demand. The only reason to lower it further is if you think that appointments over the next two weeks or so will go unfilled.

Thanks to Georgia effectively letting it rip, we’ve climbed all the way up to 49th place. Take that Alabama!!

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Cuomo seems legitimately very stupid, he really is Democratic Trump.

Separately, very smooth jab today. They weren’t even checking IDs, let alone verifying eligibility. Middle of nowhere, SC is pretty indistinguishable from middle of nowhere, OH.


This happen yet?