COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

We made a pretty last-minute decision to visit my nieces this weekend for the first time in almost a year. Both their parents are vaxed, as is my partner, meaning I’ll be the only non-vaxed person there (along with the kids) so we feel OK enough with it. We’re being a little extra careful ahead of time as a precaution.

They live in North Carolina, which recently expanded access, so I decided to look at appointments near my sister’s house for shits and giggles… and they’re available fucking everywhere. Like every Walgreens within driving distance of her house has a full slate of open appointments just two days out. I will probably just get my first shot while I’m down there and figure out the second shot later (I’d rather not drive 6 hours to-and-from just to get the second shot but will if I have to). Like most others have said, the only thing holding me back has been a sense of guilt, but the number of available appointments makes it clear to me that I’m not taking a shot away from anyone that urgently needs one. I don’t expect I’ll be able to get an appointment in the DC area for many months so this feels like a huge opportunity to return my life to some sort of normalcy (first thing I’m doing is going to the gym, goddamn).

I guess I’m posting this hoping you all can tell me I’m not an asshole for doing this while I’m down there. On another note, if anyone has advice or experience with setting up a 2nd shot in a different location than my 1st shot that’d be appreciated.


I’m doing very close to the same thing. Found a rural CVS with literally every time slot available. There is just no way I’m taking a shot from someone else, I don’t think.

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Surprisingly got an appointment for next Thursday(!) for a Biontech/Pfizer shot. Second one on May 6th. Pretty hyped :smiley:


This is completely insane

I agree. D governor in Pennsylvania but has completely botched the vaccine. The four Philadelphia ring counties had a meeting with him and then came out and absolutely blasted the state. Apparently there was an actual plan written years ago for just such an occasion. They had even done vaccine clinic drills in the past. But the health department decided to just wing it when the actual time came.

Now the question is if I can find Moderna locally by mid April will I be able to talk my way into getting the second shot.

Can’t say for sure, but in NY you def get your appointment for the second one at the time of the first, and it didn’t really seem like it was negotiable. They also asked if you were able to commit to getting the second one before they gave you the first, but obviously other states have wildly different rules/demand.

Until there is positive proof that vaccination decreases transmission, people shouldn’t change their behavior around people who may be waiting to be vaccinated. That includes avoiding large groups where you don’t know everyone, which includes travel such as airplanes.

The basic principle is that the changes to our behavior are meant to protect others as much as ourselves. Are we looking at things falling apart as people who haven’t internalized that concern for others start clamoring for the ability to do more?

My theory about the travel restrictions is they are trying to contain variants, which are not widespread in the US yet.

A lot of it is just the US hogging the vaccine. The stuff we’re making we’re hoarding rather than sharing in any remotely equitable manner.

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Has to be some advantage to being the only country in the world that pays full retail for prescription meds.


This is pretty suprising. It’s completely ridiculous to not have somebody give you both appointments in advance. Getting the vaccinations is time-sensitive ffs.

I guess the number of shots administered isn’t the only thing that matters.

I followed the rules - they just weren’t really enforced

16 hours since 1st pfizer, very sore arm and a vague run down feeling that is kind of like how you feel when you’re comin down with something, but that’s it.

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If any SoCal folks are looking, there are appts for Moderna available in La Puente today:

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Do people need to show documentation that they have a high-risk medical condition before getting a vaccine appointment?

No. The State is not requiring documentation from a health care provider. Instead, anyone who has a high-risk medical condition will be asked to sign a “self-attestation,” which means they will be asked to sign a form stating their eligibility.

In an email from my health insurer.

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I have an appointment for the 27th for my first shot. I fibbed and that appointment was scheduled a week ago, but as of 3/22 I’ll be eligible. Zero regrets.


So, basically anyone can get one if they are willing to lie. I wouldn’t do that, but I totally understand if people would. There’s a lot of excluded conditions from this round that put you at med-high risk.

My sister just told me she is not getting a vaccine because her doctor recommended against it if she was thinking of having kids in the next few years. Wtf? Is this a thing?

You are not an asshole. Glad you will be getting shot #1 and hope you can get #2 easily. Even if you have to make the 12 hour drive again, it’s worth it. And you’d get to see you nieces again.