COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I am certain that pharmacies give even fewer fucks than mass vaxx sites.


You forget to pay?

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Hey some people want to get a haircut once they get the vaccine and I was like fuck it full YOLO instantly and started committing crimes like I just got the limitless drug.


Youā€™reā€¦ unstoppable.

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Reminds me of people tap dancing on Texas when their electrical grid collapsed. You guys realize these arenā€™t homogenous states, right?



Got pfizer shot #1 at noon today. Only a mildly sore arm so far after 11 hours. Weā€™ll see what tomorrow brings.


Iā€™ve checked the local grocery store pharmacies and regular pharmacies in LA maybe 100 times - just out of curiosity. Not one appointment available in all those tries. Only the mass testing sites in LA have appts. I donā€™t think theyā€™re even getting supply in CA. Or if they are itā€™s all for tier 1A or something.

Instead of the invitation that Iā€™m still waiting for, my health insurer sent an email basically saying they had no supply.

You should have asked for my University ID card - they never even read it, just saw it in my hand.

Iā€™m getting ok at it - but still get tons of ingrown hairs. Definitely going back to my stylist for the next one once Iā€™m fully vaccinated.

dude I just got told I could have the vaccine yesterday afternoon and got one today. Just check surrounding areas too. There were several appointments in san bernardino, thatā€™s where I got mine. There were some in long beach but I wasnā€™t fast enough. Walgreens site seemed way better than the others. If youā€™re willing to drive a few hours you can get one easily, Iā€™m pretty sure.

Walmart appointments open at midnight in my state.

Are you guys noticing a difference between NoCal and SoCal?

I was talking to someone from Bay Area, and he (young, healthy dude) was lamenting difficulty of getting vaccine. I said, ā€œWell, all of my California e-bros are getting vaccinated.ā€ He asked where, and I said that it was mostly SoCal. He said that itā€™s ā€œwell knownā€ that none of the sites in/around LA are actually following the rules for distribution. He even told me that he knows people who went from SF to LA to get jabbed.

Major. Anecdotally, every idiot I know in SoCal has been able to stumble into a jab.

Nothing within 50 miles.

Anyway Iā€™ve already got the jab and get #2 next Friday. Iā€™m just curious to see when demand starts letting up.

Apparently only Microbet has to follow the rules.

I have an appointment for tomorrow and going under the ā€œmaintenanceā€ category. I will be in a work van, have my contractorā€™s license, some invoices and copies of checks and a permit for maintenance/maintenancy things.


So you didnā€™t already get shot down, you were just imagining it?

Not imagining it. I got shot down once. I didnā€™t bring any supporting documentation. Going in again.

My wife is going to start a job at an elementary school soon and will be covered in covid germs.

eta: I do do maintenance sometimes. Iā€™ve even worked in preschools before. Documentation is hard though because on those kinds of things Iā€™m always working through some other party. All my direct clients are homeowners for solar.