COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

The pour over is better, but too slow for most mornings so I need a standard drip machine. So that’s at least two right there.

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You’re supposed to drive to Starbucks and spend $5 for a cup of coffee. It’s not just a lot more expensive, it takes longer too!


I was a big fan of French Press coffee for a while. Until one clumsy morning when I spilled a full pot of ~boiling water on my leg. That was a great phone call to my wife - Hi, I’m going to Urgent Care after scalding about 3/4 of my thigh because I am too stupid to operate a French Press.


Similar for me except achy, no chills. Worse than expected. Worth it!

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My brother, who has severe asthma, has not yet been able to get an appointment in D.C. so he booked his first shot in NJ for…October.

DMV is a mess, dad got fast-tracked but my mom is still trying to book an appointment.

If you willing to drive, come to TN. All they asked me was if I made an appointment. Didn’t check to make sure I did make the appointment. Never asked for ID or anything. I could have gotten the vaccine 2 months ago.

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Nice. Jealous. Almost everyone in my family except me, including my kids, have at least their first dose. I’m going to start trying to get a leftover dose.

I’m thinking that’s the case for me. Us young ones seem to get the worst of it when it comes to side effects. First one was just pain around the injection site for two days. Next one is probably gonna knock me out of work for at least a day (getting shot #2 on a Thursday).

Y’all moving fast. Right now, only 70+ and some workers (health care, teachers etc) are allowed to get vaccines in the Czech Republic. Apparently, 60+ should be allowed to register starting mid-April.

Anyway, another empty promise to begin opening schools has been made here. This time starting the second half of April. It’s kind of a monthly thing that never comes through. I mean they shut down all schools when it wasn’t as bad as it is now. I’m so glad that the ruling coalition is getting raked over the coals. Looking at a center-left coalition coming into power this October.

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Am getting the first stirrings of just raw anger about this whole thing for a while. There’s no prospect of myself or my wife getting the vaccine for months and Paris is going to get locked down again tomorrow for who knows how long.

I should just try and be happy for all of you getting the shots in this thread, I guess. But, damn it, it doesn’t feel quite enough!


Do you have any plausible health conditions? The language on the recent tier is extremely broad.

Don’t be mad at me yet. Still unvaccinated.

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No. According to my mother I had asthma when I was a kid, but I don’t recall it and am skeptical. My wife wants me to put that down. I don’t think it’ll be too long before I get there on age. Energy worker, construction, maintenance all show up as categories for myturnca, but no appointment yet. LA County website says maintenance qualifies, but I haven’t seen a place to get an appointment that allows that as an option. I think I qualify for all of these things even if I’m not exactly the best fit for any of them. I’m also on the list to volunteer at vaccination centers.

eta: Sometimes I test as borderline hypertension.

If you’re just using MyTurn try some of the other methods here. I was helping a friend this AM and there were same-day appointments available via some of the different methods. Ended up making them an appointment at a CVS in Riverside this Sunday.


Good luck brother. It’s shit. Not much else to say.


Asthma can and often does reoccur later on in life, triggered by a variety of things that could include a virus specialising in attacking the respiratory system.

Now I know this about you if I were you I’d get vaccinated sooner rather than later.

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Thanks. I will. I just really don’t remember having any attacks and do remember going through a lot of allergy testing that I didn’t want to do and being prescribed pills that I pretended to take and was fine. But, I don’t have a very good memory of things before I was like 8 years old.

Dude. I had asthma as a toddler (2 or 3) that I don’t remember but my parents certainly did because the doctor in West Africa where we were at that time diagnosed it as worms on the chest lol (a second opinion immediately said asthma).

I didn’t get it at all again until age 20 ish, totally out of the blue triggered by god knows what, and then again last year.

Get a vaccine now.

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Asthma is tricky at that age, especially once you get down to 2 or so. At that point there’s some continuum of bronchiolitis vs asthma, and it’s not really the same thing. However, we typically don’t give much albuterol to kids <2. It’s a gray area.


Thanks. I have tried most of those, but just now tried the ones I hadn’t. The only thing atm are a couple of CVSes near Fresno. In April I’ll be going up to NorCal to see/get my eldest and if I don’t have a shot before then, I’ll take an appointment in the Central Valley or NorCal if I can get it. In the mean time I’ll try checking those sites.