COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I was getting my haircut the other day and everyone there was talking about the vaccine. Did you get it yet? What brand? Like instead of the Cavaleirs everyone’s excited about these vaccines. Very surreal.


Are you kidding? It’ll just reinforce the “why do those people get all the help/welfare/breaks” that the racists currently think.

Wow. Might be the only correct/good thing he’s done in the last 4+ years.

Talking a lot about vaccine passports in the Czech Republic. I’m severely conflicted as it discriminates against people who are incapable of getting a vaccine for various reasons (illegal immigrants, Roma, those allergic to vaccine components etc) and those who haven’t had an opportunity to get it. At the same time, it will keep people safer.

I would’ve happily taken J&J if that’s what they were giving when I got my shot, and deriding J&J undermines the greater good, but the J&J shade still amuses me. Scientists come up with, manufacture, and distribute millions and millions of multiple vaccines in a YEAR to stop a deadly global pandemic and people are like “ehhhh, I only want one of the good ones”. We’re so awful. The next pandemic is going to wipe us out for good and we’ll so deserve it.

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I don’t think anyone had any special preference, they were just curious.

She is Guilfoyle’s aunt.

100% disagree. Trump often talked about things that got the biggest cheers at his rallies. There is no way he wasn’t looking at likes and retweets. I think it was his secret weapon.

He knows what the base of bots is - so he’s looking at the biggest performers over and above the bots, and the things that fall flat.

Maybe it’s not the best comparison but I don’t agree it’s idiotic. The “it’s just the flu” people would have had a point if the rates of fatality and other severe consequences had turned out to be lower.

Just fyi, I looked up some numbers and found there are ~150 million women on the pill worldwide. That’s much lower than I expected but not a small number. Surprisingly, sterilization is the number one choice for birth control. That’s obviously not without risks. Same for other alternatives.

there’s no substantive difference with what he was tweeting compared to rallies in 2016/17. the entire shtick is super old at this point. he’s putting absolutely no effort into it. he was really just tweeting for the dopamine, and getting the worst kind of buzz from it.

there’s an entire party with a platform of “trmp is infallible “ and literally nothing else. stop telling yourself taht he’s some sort of marketing genius. he luckboxed with surreptitious help, and he’s pretty much lost everything else

It doesn’t have to be substantively different for him to learn to drop the stuff that doesn’t land and amplify the stuff that does. It’s like standup comedy - instant feedback.

Case in point - he test ballooned the NFL stuff and when it resonated with his racist base he came out with, “Get that son of a bitch off the field” at a rally, which of course drove them completely wild, and was amplified by the left more than the right (which is another thing I think the hard right is aware of and plays much more liberals don’t give them credit for - because they cant believe mouth-breathing cretins could be that strategic).

Trump even said about the NFL in some interview, “I think this is a big winning issue for me.” He is aware of what titillates his base. You’ll never convince me that twitter likes and retweets weren’t a big part of that.

It was never 2 weeks. Pfizer has always been 3 and Moderna has always been 4.

Yeah you did the right thing. I think I was prioritised here because I’ve had an inhaler prescription in the last year.

I’ll probably just put one of these up every Wednesday for awhile.

Where are you in the COVID vaccine timeline?
  • Over two weeks since second shot.
  • Got second shot less than two weeks ago.
  • In between first and second shot.
  • Have appointment for first shot.
  • Eligible, but cannot find an appointment anywhere.
  • Not eligible yet.

0 voters


the morons that cheer for him at the rallies also did it for the dopamine. if he is channeling anger, they are happy. it’s not that he tested the message and it worked. it’s that he said the same thing so many times, it had to work.

there’s no reason the nfl owners would want him to keep bringing attention to the kneeling. it’s bad for their business, yet he keeps hitting the same buttons.

remember the caravans? that got lots of cheers, but didn’t help him in 2018. big beautiful wall? or the socialism rants? that helped him with a smaller slice of the population, but activated even more against him. liberate michigan? didn’t really work. mail-in election fraud? fuck off donnie. 20k republicans voted in GA primaries but not the general. china tarrifs? those played so well that the farmers required bailouts. “china virus”? morons all loved it so much while they could ignore the death count, but look how many people came out to vote against him.

we’ll just have to agree to disagree. he’s a moron, so morons get excited when he talks. testing messaging beyond the people at an oklahoma rally is hard, and he’s never put in the work.

poll needs an option, “not eligible but lied on the form”


I started to respond and make a joke about how you’re dating yourself, because malls aren’t really a thing anymore. But then I wondered whether that’s only really true in south Florida, which is weird and crazy in its own special way.

I thought South Florida is the only place malls do exist.

According to NYC data, 40% of adults in my zip code have gotten at least one shot, and 24% are fully vaccinated.

Meanwhile this is me:


There are a lot of open-air mall-type places, but not the Mall of America style indoor places with hot topic and Sabarro