COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

After a lot of tries on various websites I got an appointment tomorrow at 4:45, only one county over.

Will I get sick?


My province is rightly prioritizing those most at risk for vaccines; minorities, the indigenous, those with chronic illness, seniors and the homeless.

Was chatting with a friend that what this means is it is maybe the first time in my life being a middle class healthy white male puts me at the back of the line. Rather than being the one with privilege, I for once have to feel like most of the population feels most of their lives.

Iā€™m not afraid to say it is uncomfortable.

Wonder if it might make some people think more about privilege.


Yea i feel a little bad about jumping to the front of the line on a technicality but Iā€™m honestly not sure I can take a few more months of how Iā€™ve been living.

I donā€™t think you are jumping the line. You qualify.

Ehhh how I qualified is pretty much on a technicality, Iā€™ll admit. My company declared all its employees essential workers last year and I squeaked in. Itā€™s legit. Weā€™re ā€œfood and agriculture.ā€ Gave me a letter to show the people. Iā€™m telling myself itā€™s fine because I have asthma and hypertension (excluded in this phase).

Is it wrong for to root for someone to catch Covid. Like a really bad case. Not death but certainly lifelong breathing problems.

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If you can get it, get it. Not only is it not unethical, I feel like it is much closer to a moral imperative.

Take the science juice and rub it on your titties imo.


I have a dream that the virus causes a massive natural selection against idiots and the rest of us survive to live in an idiot free utopia.

@SweetSummerChild ?


There is someone that is more qualified for a shot than you are but refuse to get vaccinated by Bill Gates 5G. You are taking that personā€™s shot.


I donā€™t care why heā€™s saying this, itā€™s good.


omg what have they done to him?

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My doses are almost a month apart - what gives?

Theyā€™re supposed to be 3-4 weeks apart.

Here they are doing it 4 months apart.

Baritomoā€™s drunk ass will be loyal to Trump right to the end.

Ah ok, I thought it was two weeks, but only vaguely remember hearing they extended it. Have not been paying much attention tbh. Thanks.

Which one are you getting? Moderna is supposed to be 28 days.

Walgreens website didnā€™t say, but itā€™s almost exactly 28 days so maybe thatā€™s a good guess.

W/o Twitter - Trump doesnā€™t instantly have his pulse on the finger of his constituency anymore. He canā€™t instantly gauge what gets traction and what doesnā€™t by raw numbers of likes and retweets.

trmp doesnā€™t gauge traction. he gets amplified by bots and the loyal base who wouldnā€™t ever turn on him. heā€™d only stop if pac donations dried up.