COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Chicago had to set aside appointments for minority neighborhoods after wealthy neighborhoods got a disproportionate number of dises.

If 1/3 of adults really refuse the vaccine, that is a huge problem. These idiots arenā€™t going to listen to Democratic politicians, I have no idea how to reach them. Screaming ā€œyouā€™re stupidā€ isnā€™t going to work, unfortunately.


I mean, that sort of inequality is baked into the system at this point, and there isnā€™t much that a vaccine distribution system can do about it. If anything, getting the rich people out of town to get openings sooner will sooner open things up for poorer residents who canā€™t sit around and f5 a website all day.

I think the way the emergency will end is we get enough vulnerable people vaxxed that the death rate drops to flu levels and we live with COVID as endemic for a few years.

Probably just permanently endemic with flareups, but I think this is right. Think the end of emergency timeline is 2022, that international travel is going to have restrictions for the forseeable future, and that we are going to take a bit of a societal gamble on what long COVID and mutations look like. But I think you are right on where we are headed. Getting to elimination in the US seems very unlikely.

Unless the virus just magically disappears, there is zero chance that the US eradicates it with herd immunity imo. And that means the rest of the world wonā€™t either, as eventually they will relent and open travel back up.

The only way things go back to normal imo is when we just lose interest and stop paying attention outside of when we get sad because one of our relatives dies.

I thought the vaccines overwhelmingly prevented death outcomes?

Seat belts donā€™t save lives either when people donā€™t buckle up.

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This requires a significant increase in mutation from covid than what weā€™ve seen so far.

Yes, mississippi is a below average state in distribution.

Looks like ohio is opening to all starting march 29.

Can anyone think of a good metaphor for a company that decides to mandate employees return to the office in two weeks? Basically disregarding the fact that miracle vaccines will be widely available in the coming weeks and totally jumping the gun.

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Not even his worst play


I was looking at estimated CFRs for the first time in a while, and thereā€™s something odd. I was expecting that with the increased vaccinations of older individuals, the estimated CFR would drop. That is, I assumed a greater proportion of cases would comprise younger and healthier individuals, and would therefore lead to fewer deaths.

But thatā€™s not whatā€™s happening. This is a noisy graph, but it appears that thereā€™s been a recent uptick.

Each line is measuring the 7-day average deaths relative to lagged 7-day average cases, where the different colors reflect different lag lengths. Iā€™ve been looking at the 21- and 28-day lags (brown and green lines), but they all show a similar bump up.

I also looked at a smoothed version of this, using a rolling 30-day average deaths relative to a 21-day-lagged 30-day average new cases. Thereā€™s been a very slight uptick here as well.

Maybe this is just random noise, but it definitely was contrary to the pattern I expected to see.

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If we want to get Republicans to get on board with getting vaccinated, maybe we should make them sign a document approving that the vaccine Biden bought for them would be sent to someone in another country who wants it, unless they get in line. Weā€™re not going to hold it for them.


I have always thought that the Whole Foods anti-vax crowd was a free-rider phenomena, full stop. Thus, I am assuming without evidence or investigation that all those folks are jumping to the front of the vaccine line now that we have an actual deadly pandemic raging.


Got my appointment on Monday morning for dose 1 of the Pfizer vaccine!


itā€™s endemic because the virus is likely in the wild animal population reservoir already, mink/bats/etc.

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