COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

America prioritizes access to, like, celebrity news over access to healthcare. Its pretty ambitious to expect the country to suddenly get its priorities straight now.

Our 7DRA for shots right now is at about 2.3 million/day and climbing at a pace that looks roughly linear. Extrapolating with a linear increase of about 600k doses/day/month, we would expect about 120 million shots administered between now and May 1, and thatā€™s on top of the over 100 million that have already been administered. That is roughly half of the total shots that need to be administered to every American adult. Bidenā€™s guidance is, if anything, too conservative for when the floodgates should be open when we take into account dumb conservatives declining the vaccine at absurdly high numbers and the incredibly slight difference in risk between the median American adult and the lowest risk American adult.

If we assume we hit diminishing returns May 1 and plateau at a constant doses/day, weā€™ll have every American adult who wants a shot done by July 1. Weā€™re very close to beating this thing, at least in America. Hopefully then we do our part getting this all out to the developing world.

If you donā€™t want to wait, travel to another state and get a shot. I was on 5 waiting lists in numerous states.

combination of these two

I might rephrase ā€œprioritizing the vulnerableā€ to ā€œprioritizing getting the vaccine to the vulnerable.ā€ Itā€™s one thing to have a website that tells people theyā€™re eligible and can get an appointment and appropriately ranks the vulnerable, but you have to be on the web for one, and you have to get the arm to the shot or the shot to the arm, one or the other, and the most vulnerable people are not the most online or the most mobile, particularly in a rural state without much of a public transit system.

Youā€™re talking about oral contraceptives here??


Absolutely put that moron on blast! Really.

I donā€™t see how we can ā€œopen the floodgatesā€ when shit looks like this right now without everyone eligible:

Nobody seems to notice Seanā€™s history of posting right wing stuff like this. Iā€™ve always been too much of a lurker to bother calling him out.


Yeah. Entire countries, religious groups and age groups do not use oral contraceptives for various reasons.

The vaccine is for everybody. Even a small problem with a vaccine is a potentially huge deal

I heard the same goes for toasters.


Itā€™s insane. I got lucky yesterday, the first day I was eligible (Iā€™m assuming my health condition makes me eligible - my doctor isnā€™t sure, but Iā€™ll take my chances), to find an appointment at a Walmart 40-60 minutes away from my house. My wife had made an appointment in Columbus, GA, which is two hours away (weā€™re up in Cobb County). I refused to make that drive. Once I found somewhere closer, she switched.

I thought I had found an appointment at a closer Kroger, but their system was totally borked. It listed the closest stores to me and most didnā€™t have availability. One or two did, however, so I clicked on those times to schedule. In most cases, an error popped up to say that time slot wasnā€™t available. Then it would shuffle the slots, Iā€™d try again, and get denied again. Inevitably, the same time slots would keep showing they were available, even though they werenā€™t.

Then, the few times I was able to continue, it said there were no slots for the second jab available, so I couldnā€™t even go ahead and book the first one.

Pretty sweet free-for-all we have here.


Those green dots in IL and GA are a great reason to expand eligibility so that motivated people from the big cities drive out to use up expiring product in the boonies.

I donā€™t know how true it is, but the line from
MA government is that the lack of l appointments is still from lack of vax supply. So when supply ramps from the government as eligibility opens in the coming weeks that map should hopefully solve itself.

Iā€™m not as confident that we are close to beating this thing in America. I think we are close to the end of uncontrolled spread, perhaps with one last surge to come in the interim. Every day we donā€™t read about bad COVID outcomes for vaccinated individuals is reason for optimism. But it seems like we plateau at something like 2/3 of American adults vaccinated this year with kids still on the come. A massive improvement over the last year for sure, but I donā€™t know if that gets us to the point where Iā€™d say we beat COVID in America or have a normal ā€˜21-ā€˜22 winter.

Next steps will be figuring out how much we can safely open society while vaccinating kids, monitoring variants, figuring out when/what boosters are needed, and hopefully improving therapeutics.

I assumed it was satire.

Appointment for a week from today, wooooo!


If 1/3 of adults really refuse the vaccine, that is a huge problem. These idiots arenā€™t going to listen to Democratic politicians, I have no idea how to reach them. Screaming ā€œyouā€™re stupidā€ isnā€™t going to work, unfortunately.

College football/NASCAR/etc. requiring a vaccine card to get in.

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Gun shows, Waffle Houses, drive-through liquor stores, monster truck rallies.