COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

That’s not what he said, just that adults would be eligible.

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The poor countries can’t afford $12/person for a vaccine but everyone still has a smart phone?

I’m pretty sure the Ohio thing will work, especially with a backup appt. my SIL is HR at a memory care facility. She sends people all the time.

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Welcome to humanity. The cast of characters that lineup outside the fancy handbag stores at the mall is amazing.

It’s probably not though for some of us.

That’s part of what is so frustrating: the not knowing.

If I had an appointment on, say, April 19th, at least there would be something concrete to look forward to.

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What exactly are these posts? The global south is choosing to forego vaccines because they’re handing out handbags and mobile phones instead?


I can’t follow the context of where the mobile phone comment came from in the first place, but it sure reminds me of mid-aughts Fox News talking points about poor people having cell phones. I hope I’m misinterpreting.

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Meanwhile here is what’s happening in Mississippi. The most racist, corrupt fucking hellhole in the country and everybody can waltz in for jabbing. Enraging.

We almost all are guilty of prioritizing some non-essential. I would say that in today’s world a smartphone is getting close to essential. Look at the vaccination signup. Way easier if you can just schedule and show a QR code vs making a phone call to understaffed call-in lines.

There I things i personally judge to be frivolous which for me includes >$1,000 hand bags. I’m sure there are several things that I spend money on other people would thing unworthy.

Now does one have to do with the other in terms of vaccines? I don’t know. It’s a dumb derail itt to which I stand charged in the conspiracy.

We all know what the F in Fox stands for.

So is it:

  • They are getting more vaccine than other states?
  • They are much more efficient than other states in getting out the vaccine that they have?
  • They are doing a poor job prioritizing the vulnerable?
  • There are so many anti-vax people there that they are actually having difficulty finding people?

It has to be one of these, right?

I don’t get what you’re mad about, isn’t everyone supposed to get a vaccine? Do you want their citizens to suffer because their leaders are incompetent and racist or because part of their population is the same? There are like 14 states that had a larger margin of victory for Trump than Mississippi

I’m mad that people (like me) who spent the last year in misery because we’ve taken this seriously have to wait for months while inbred science denying pieces of shit in Trump +20 states get to waltz in and get vaccinated on demand.

Political retribution is wrong and I don’t think Biden voters should get jabbed first or whatever, and maybe there is some structural element to this (minimum dose per shipment or something) driving it, but at a fundamental, base emotional level it is just super frustrating and irritating.

It also makes complete sense to prioritize urban areas because the density creates additional risk.


Trump +16 and maybe you can imagine that it was one of the 2.2 million people out of 2.9 million that didn’t vote for Trump who are getting it, might help with the anger and looking down on an entire state because the government of this country is shit up like shit


Look, some people live in Trump-voting hellholes full of science-denying inbreds, and some people live in South Carolina.


My interpretation was that it’s unconscionable that (we) Americans live in luxury while much of the world can’t afford vaccines. I hope that’s correct and I’m sticking with it.

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Ok, I’m driving 130 miles to Southern Pines Regional Park for an appointment with a needle at 9:15 am tomorrow!


I’ve been a bit critical of the vaccine rollout up til now, but I wasn’t eligible for a shot yet, so it was hard to picture the vaccine scene I guess. Last weekend, I did a zoom call with five high school classmates. They had similar frustrations. Yesterday, we all became eligible for our shots. This morning all of us have appointments.


This argument is idiotic. One goes to a small portion of the population and another goes to pretty much every single person on this planet.

This is the same logic covid deniers used when they said, “Oh the flu kills as many people but we’re not freaking out about that”.

Not saying that we should be freaking out about the AZ vaccine but unexpected side effects related to a vaccine are a cause for concern that should be addressed before being distributed to a wide population even if it ends up just being a coincidence.