COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

There should be people literally following this asshole around making his life miserable. At a minimum he should never eat a restaurant meal in peace ever again.



Is this a good sign? It actually sounds pretty bad to me.

Doesnā€™t this mean a lot of people there are refusing to get the shot?

Illinois reports 65% of 65+ peeps have been jabbed. But then weā€™re still in 1B.

Brag: I got word from Oregon! They emailed me to tell me Iā€™ve been selected for a vaccine.
Beat: The only use of the email was to tell me I am now to await the next email in which I schedule it. Why not just send me the scheduling email?
Variants: Who knows how long that will take, or what vaccine Iā€™ll be getting.


Re kids

But give them all the vaccines.

Iā€™m still theoretically waiting on an invite from my health insurer. Glad I didnā€™t wait and just found a mass vax site on my own.

I know someone who lives near you who is going down to Peoria to get a vaccine. This is after they went to the doctor for something unrelated and the doctor told them specifically that they qualified for the vaccine because of a breathing problem they had in the past (but no longer have). He couldnā€™t find anything in Chicago, so he just booked one there. Iā€™m a bit surprised there was nothing closer, but I donā€™t know how hard he tried.

The plan

Up early Tuesday. Drive 4.5 hours to outside Pittsburgh. Work for a few hours. Ribeye at outback that adjacent to hotel.

Up early Wednesday. Drive 3.5 hours to SIL outside Toledo. Work in the afternoon. Outside meal with family. Stay in guest room.

Up early Thursday. Vaccine appt 1.5 hours away at 9:15. Get shot. Head home. Roughly 7.5 hours.

If shot doesnā€™t happen I have a backup appt. on Friday at another site closer to SIL.

If I feel like crap I will grab a hotel and suffer.


Mississippi would actually gain federal dollars if they accepted this, but the governor said no thanks. They are open about not wanting to help the poor.

Hopefully, if heā€™s eating a meal in peace itā€™s coming with a side of one of the employees bodily fluids.


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Playing with fire there.

To be clear, there doesnā€™t seem to be good evidence thereā€™s anything wrong with the vaccine and contraceptives should rain from the sky.


Dude just drive to where I got my shot in TN. There was zero accountability as far as verifying personal information. PM me for details. Iā€™m 8 hrs from Pittsburgh but can pretty much guarantee youā€™ll get a shot with no hassles.

Iā€™ve been remarkably calm about all of the Covid stuff despite having a congenital heart condition, losing my job and being unemployed for 6 months, and feeling a deep sense of isolation from my community of friends, being unable to see most of them while itā€™s been brutally fucking cold for most of the last 3.5 months in Chicago.

That ended today when I kinda just had a breakdown about wanting so badly to be vaccinated and knowing itā€™s going to at least be 2 more weeks if not longer. Iā€™m just so fucking exhausted over every single interaction or every activity having to be handled with caution and care and exhaustive questioning about how everyone else has been handling Covid and if theyā€™re being responsible. Iā€™m really fucking tired of feeling like a nag any time I see anyone else having fun. Iā€™m just ready for all of this shit to be over and done with and go back to living normal day to day life with a sense of freedom.




Hey, itā€™s 2 weeks away bro. You got this. You survived a year. You can do this. Just hang in there.


Yeah my parents are meeting up with my brother in his new house here in a two weeks. They are both vaxxed. Bro is trying to pressure me to come. But I am telling him lets meet up in 2-3 months or so.

Biden has said everyone who wants a shot will get it by May 1. There are still lives to be saved by bunkering down a little until then.

I empathize, as Iā€™m sure all here do, The rising temperatures and the lengthening days here have been fantastic in improving my outlook. Hang in there.