COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I’m glad they’re accelerating, but the marginal benefit of having another eligibility phase for 45-54 seems minuscule. The risk for each successive group is a fraction of the group before it, and the benefit is possibly outweighed by slower gross rate of vaccinations.

We’re fighting the rapid spread of variants here. We need to reach herd immunity ASAP. Healthy 45 year olds are not a significant mortality risk, and they’re probably more likely to be WFH than healthy 25 year olds.


I agree. I’m on team floodgates.


So many choices, I just can’t so here they all are.

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we could just get everyone fake ids

Is herd immunity even possible without vaccinating kids and/or with higher transmission variants? I’m sort of skeptical we get to true herd immunity. It seems more likely we eventually get back to “normalcy” because COVID levels are generally low and bad outcomes among the vaccinated are rare.

So I had to register online and was given a 3:15 appointment. When I got here, they asked if I had an appointment. I said yes but that was it. They didn’t ask for my ID or appointment number. I could have just come here and said I had an appointment 2 months ago.


If there’s one thing the US military really fucking cares about, it’s proper uniform protocol. I assume their sargeant yells at them if they’re not following whatever guidelines the military has set.

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come on inslee! release the doses!


And “force protection”.

Mississippi ready to open it up!

It legitimately enrages me that the worst, stupidest people so routinely get rewarded at the expense of good people in this country.


80% herd immunity in light of the new variants. As long as everyone over 16yrs gets vaccinated, not a problem (in the UK).

But if states are already vaccinating all comers, then that’s a sign of low take up rather than ‘hey, we’ve done everyone in these ‘at risk’ groups, loadsa vaccine supply and capacity at the vaccinations stations’

55yr old’s now elegible in the UK and take up rate way higher here - no teachers, grocery workers or delivery guys because the demand from the elderly and vulnerable is so strong - should result in lower ongoing death curve - which the US will see at a more gradual gradient than EU, let alone UK


Looks quiet on the western front.

I don’t want this ‘by end of 2021’ so I’d narrow my date to end of August 2021 if you would allow?

Does that get me 7 to 1?

Hmm. I’d give you 3.5 to one if you want to make the end date august 31. Otherwise let’s just stick to the original bet.

$150 side bet for the fun of it? Seperate from the other longer bet. If US keeps up the 4.5m a day vaccinations, I’m throwing it away… maybe.

You saying you are ok with 3.5 to one? My 525 to your 150 that the US doesn’t hit a new all time high 7dma (worldometers) for cases by August 31, 2021. Confirm to book that in addition to the one we already have.

As long as appointments aren’t going unfilled, keeping the age bracketing (or other criteria) makes sense.

If they open it to everyone, and people can’t get an appointment for 5 weeks, that’s no different than just keeping it closed to a certain group for those 5 weeks.

Not ok with the not sharing IP piece of it, but I’m honestly fine with Pfizer making a millinillion dollars off of this thing.

Just fund the government purchase of vaccine via wealth tax!