COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I’m a minister of the Universal Life Church myself


I’d call the pharmacy that you booked at and talk to a human.

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I get that there’s nothing within 50 miles of Chicago. The alternative is to find a specific pharmacy in Trumpland IL and drive to it. The Wal-Mart in Flora, Illinois, for instance, has hundreds of open appointment slots this week, I learned after five minutes of looking around. (Walgreens has tons of availability all over rural IL, like thousands of appointments, but a wonky appointment system so I exclude them from the discussion.)

You aren’t taking the shot away from anyone else if you get it in those circumstances. It’s only a positive for society, and a question of how much effort you’re willing to put in to get the vaccine given an imperfect government rollout.

It’s a pain to drive that far, granted, and you have to navigate the eligibility question for yourself. I come from a state that is Mad Max in terms of vaccine distribution, and have heard stories of pharmacies telling patients in person to wink wink declare themselves eligible because they have so many open appointments. So my advice is colored by that.

There’s not enough vaccine for everyone. But there is enough vaccine that plenty of it is going unused. It’s everyone’s personal duty to prevent this from happening as much as possible.


I like this post. Maybe I’ll pick a small town downstate I’d like to visit.


Friend is getting the jab today, and tried to schedule an appointment for an ENT (unrelated). They asked if he was getting the COVID vaccine and he said yes.

They said he can’t have an appointment for two weeks after getting the jab because he could become contagious with COVID from the vaccine. We told him he needs a new doctor. But hey, this is Georgia for ya.


I get what you’re saying, but disagree pretty strongly with the bolded. It’s government’s duty.

If East Fucking Nowhere, IL has too many doses and Chicago, IL has too few, the solution seems very obvious.

So I stumbled into a “Covid Vaccine Side Effects” facebook group and amazingly, the same people that attributed 500k+ Covid deaths to flu, car fatalities, and heart attacks unsurprisingly have 0 issue believing that the death of an 85 year old nursing home patient that got the vaccine is 100% because of the vaccine. Doesn’t seem to matter that an 85 year old nursing home patient probably has like a 10% chance of dying any given day.

The posts in the FB group range from “I got the vaccine 3 weeks ago and I’m still sick, dizzy, blah blah” with hundreds of comments in support, and a few posts of “My whole family got the shot a month ago and we didn’t have any serious side effects” getting attacked with “sure, you don’t have any side effects now, but wait 5 years!”

These people are fucking nuts and we’re going to be stuck with Covid for a long time.


The only person I know who would tolerate me that long is my Mom. She already got it.


My wife is going to be in Rockford/Machesney Park this week for work, is that considered Trumpland or still too close to Chicago?

Check their Walmarts and find out.

Wow, this deserves some serious shaming. Holy cow.

it was probably some stupid peon at the front desk with zero medical training, not the doctor.

Rural America somehow always wins.

They get like 3x political representation, endless gushers of farm subsidies, now they get endless vaccine supply despite overwhelmingly voting for the former guy and denying science.


Living in rural America is its own punishment


This will be a combination

Mutant strains
Kids YOLO about OFS
Real effects
Imagined effects by proxy (CN?)
Press LOL

And of course the more we let the virus just circulate, the more it mutates and has the ability to be selected for.


So apparently the European governments are in a competition to see who can botch the vaccine campaign the hardest. Germany now has halted vaccinations with AstraZeneca, my mom just had her first shot last Monday. :man_facepalming:

At least my grandma got her second shot of BIontech/Pfizer last week as well.

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So the blood clot rate seems to be 30 reported / 5 million AZ vaccinations. One blood-clot related fatality out of those. The 14-day COVID death rate for the EU is 67 / 1 million or 335 / 5 million, or 24 / 5 million per day. So, even granting the certain-to-be-wrong assumption that all of the blood clots are vaccination-related, your risk of death from just being an unvaccinated person in the EU for a single day is 24 times the risk of the vaccination. Way to think it through, all European governments, way to think it through…

Of course, it does seem odd that EU governments are drawing so much criticism for withdrawing approval on AZ, while the US’s failure to approve it in the first place is less commented upon…

EDIT: Lol:


Tell me about it. In New York, the counties with the highest vaccination rates are in Elise Stefanik’s district.

Is there a supply issue in the US?

There’s also that the EU is being shorted on their contract with AZ to the tune of hundreds of millions of doses, and they’ve already tried a few export / import shenanigans to pressure AZ into delivering more. I doubt these suspensions are part of a plan, but that can’t really build much good will towards the AZ vaccine.