COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

“Can I fuck it?”


It seems like the only policy that makes any kind of sense if you’re worried about this is to fast-track the vaccine trials in children. Does the vaccine actually need a separate FDA approval for kids, or could doctors give it off-label if they thought it was wise to do so?

Why is this happening?

I get it in places like Florida and Georgia considering who is in charge there, but why is this pattern still true states in like Illinois and New York?

Vaccines will likely be available for high school aged students later this year and younger kids in early 2022. Im not sure they can or should go any faster, we should push to vaccinate kids but really dont need to rush that process.

In light of the vaccine for kids timeline, we should really work to keep community prevalence levels low for the next year. Biggest factor is going to be making sure we get vaccination levels as high as possible once supply is abundant in the next couple of months or so, but we should also keep a number of NPI’s in place for another year or so. Not lockdown the country or anything, but mask mandates, travel quarantines/limitations, and distancing and capacity limits should all be the norm until the whole community is vaccinated.

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It’s because they are tiny counties by population, and there is a minimum delivery size. So they’re effectively getting more per capita just by virtue of the minimum delivery.

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Just booked a vaccine appointment. I refused to jump the line and say I was a “caregiver,” but now that it’s opened up to people with medical conditions (minor heart thing…well hopefully it stays minor), I jumped on every pharmacy/grocery store site and somehow found one 45-60 minutes away.

EDIT: Also, this is one time where it’s an advantage to be overweight! I checked my BMI and I’m ever so slightly above the normal range, so I will eat cookies now to be sure I stay qualified.


I followed up on my group thread with the guy, and he said it’s the doctor who said this directly. He even named her, but I’m not gonna put some rando doctor on blast (although frankly she deserves to be on blast).

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This is some bad posting. Dan, have you read anymore than the first 2.5 sensational paragraphs of the article? Can you provide anthing other than the paywalled link?

If this is 1 of 80,000 suspected long covid kids, the other 79,999 aren’t being reported in the UK press. There isn’t a run on wheelchairs this side of the Atlantic for the kids because of OFS.

I’m sure it’s an honest example of what covid can do but it’s not typical, as you’re probably aware.

Quarter of US House refuse jab

While US President Joe Biden urges all Americans to get a Covid-19 vaccine, some 25% of House members have so far avoided the jab – despite Congress having its own supply of the vaccine.

According to reporting from Axios, the vaccine refusal in Congress is higher among white Republicans than any other demographic group.

The hesitancy seems to be slowing the full return of Congress, which would see all 435 members back in the chamber together.

The top Republican in the chamber, Kevin McCarthy, sent a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week, saying it was time to “return to regular order”.

But some top Democrats have pushed back, saying the House is operating in accordance with public health guidelines.

In the UK, more than 11 million people have already received at least one dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine and there has been no sign of excess deaths or blood clots occurring.

Thailand to resume using AstraZeneca jab

You may have seen reports that some countries have suspended the use of AstraZeneca vaccines over concerns about side effects. Last week Thailand became the first country outside of Europe to delay use of the vaccine but now the Thai government has said it will start administering it again on Tuesday.

Seven other countries also suspended the use of AstraZeneca vaccines. They are the Netherlands , the Republic of Ireland , Denmark , Norway , Bulgaria , Iceland and the Democratic Republic of Congo .

The Netherlands was the latest to halt the vaccine’s use, calling it a precautionary measure.

Several other European countries - including Italy , Austria , Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania and Luxembourg - have suspended using certain batches of the vaccine, also as a precaution.

In response to these suspensions, regulators and AstraZeneca have sought to reassure the public of the vaccine’s safety.

AstraZeneca said on Sunday a review of safety data had shown no evidence of an increased risk of blood clots.

That assessment has been echoed by UK regulators and the World Health Organization (WHO), which said there is no indication of a link between the vaccine and blood clots.

how bout you read his post again and think about how you obviously misread it before being a jerk to anyone else?


Trump could be vaccine game-changer, expert says

Turning to the US now, the country’s top infectious diseases expert has suggested former President Donald Trump could do more to promote coronavirus vaccinations.

Dr Anthony Fauci said it would be “a game-changer” if the former Republican president encouraged his supporters to get a Covid-19 vaccine.

“It will make all the difference in the world (US),” Dr Fauci told Fox News Sunday. “He’s a very widely popular person among Republicans.”

A recent US opinion poll suggested as many as 49% of Republican male supporters did not want to get vaccinated.

In office, Trump did not take a leading role in the promotion of vaccinations against the disease.

But last month, he said “everybody, go get your shot” at a conservative forum. It was the first time he had publicly encouraged Americans to do so.

I’m slightly concerned … my jab is coming up in the next couple of weeks and I have the exact same toaster :dizzy_face:

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Are you sure that’s not your toaster in the photo?

I was jabbed Saturday - standing by for DVT or toaster sex!

Hoping that batch number was a lucky one!

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I don’t know exactly what crumpets are, but throw out any you may have in the house.

Signing up for this. I’m 6 hours post 1st shot, my arm hurts and I’m achy. Get the feeling this is going to be a shitty night


In line for my shot. Of course the hillbilly cop on the left ain’t wearin no pussy mask while the 2 national guardsmen are.


It looks like he’s trying to grow a mask.