COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

It’s not a reach to get from those to football. Are you there yet?


I have an issue with sports like football for high school kids who end up with lifelong brain injuries. I have less of an issue with adults who can consent i guess.

Just got Pfizer 1/2 at the local Walmart located, fingers crossed, on Hope Ave. No immediate ill effects except for minor arm soreness.

It’s probably been posted here, but the CDC has a side-effect tracking app:

V-safe is a smartphone-based tool that uses text messaging and web surveys to provide personalized health check-ins after you receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Through v-safe , you can quickly tell CDC if you have any side effects after getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Depending on your answers, someone from CDC may call to check on you and get more information. V-safe will also remind you to get your second COVID-19 vaccine dose if you need one.

The pharmacist said they’d check on you if you respond with symptoms that might be, uh, especially bad.


I had some arm soreness but no other noticeable side effects today (got the Pfizer jab)


Soccer and gymnastics, too.

Czech government claiming that things are getting better as a result of the new restrictions. If better means that most of the numbers have plateaued as of now, then yeah that is good. But the situation is still shit.

There is a positive. Over the last few days, the number of deaths has decreased significantly. Yesterday there were 88 covid deaths. That’s the lowest number in over 3 months. I hope this is a sign of turning the corner but sadly that tends to be the moment things start to get worse because people tend to go, “Things are getting better! OFS and OFB!!” instead of realizing that it is far from over.


One of my students who has been out for almost two months contacted me to let me know that her grandfather died from covid, her father has been hospitalized with it for weeks and she has it as well.

I know more than my share of people who have/had covid but none I know have suffered this much. Goes to show how severe the human cost can be for some people.


Booked my appointment today. Although I’m eligible now, I will admit I jumped the online line by clicking the box that said I was a school employee, even though I’m not. The site said it was prioritizing school employees, so I waited a half hour to see if it would ever reveal to me the button that said “book an appointment”, and it never did. There’s no doubt, all the appointments would have been booked had I waited any longer, and I’d have to wait at least two more days to try again. So I did what I had to do. I feel a little dirty.


I decided not to make extraordinary effort to get the vaccine and wait for appointments to become reasonably available. I guess the main reason is most people need it more than me. I might drive out to the sticks, but I haven’t heard of that being a thing in IL.

You’re in IL, right?

Check that website I sent earlier (vaccinespotter) showing the geographic extent of availability. It will almost certainly have wide availability in the center of the state while Chicago is permafucked, but from time to time the whole state will be jammed I’m sure.

Tried it, zero within max range of 50 miles. Aliso not eligible.

Don’t feel bad imo. The sign up sites lag behind the actual eligibility from what I’ve seen. On Jan 13th when I booked my first appointment it had just been announced that I would be eligible starting on Jan 14th. I immediately booked for Jan 15th but had to check a box saying I was group 1A eligible because the site had not yet updated to reflect that 1B could sign up. Had I waited two hours for the site to update the appointment would have been in March. 5 hours later it was booked into June.


This is why opening vaccine eligibility up to everyone too soon is a bad idea.

Yeah. They only open up appointments a couple times a week, and bait you to go to their site to register, and then when you do that, they don’t let you get in unless you fib. That doesn’t seem right either. I waited for a good while and finally pulled the trigger. I will do a few hail marys.


Just got back from getting COVID tested for a procedure I have this week. It was the shorter swab in both nostrils. Definitely better than the long swab. Hopefully being vaccinated and staying mostly isolated gets me a passing grade.

Testing has certainly gotten way better but I still think reliable instant tests that don’t require a trained healthcare professional doing nasal swabs would be really helpful.


I am a minister in good standing, ordained by American Marriage Ministries:

For the right price I would be happy to absolve you of your sins.


Ah yes, the good ole “pay for pray” scheme.

Aka “prayola”


Somehow Walgreens managed to book only the second dose of my appointment, and now their janky-ass website won’t let me cancel it, will only let me reschedule it as another second-dose-only appointment, and won’t let me book a new appointment because I already have one.

I registered with the state last week, but they haven’t followed up with me to let me schedule and appointment and also won’t let me redo the eligibility questionnaire because I already did one. Good times.