COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Same with my MIL (74) at 3 weeks. FIL (79) had AZ vaccine 2 weeks earlier than MIL, he’s part of same test and was brimming with antibodies. MIL is proceeding as unvaccinated for the time being.

I don’t think above is that rare btw - I think AZ always stated at least 3 weeks

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I’m so jealous of people getting vaccinated. I think we just started to vaccinate people 80 years old and older so it’s probably going to be months before I can be vaccinated. The city is supposed to receive more doses of the Moderna vaccine soon so hopefully that will help.

Also the regional hospitals ICU is full and have started to transfer some patients to southern Ontario. They also declared a covid outbreak in one of the other units of the hospital. Oh and one of the covid variants that supposed to be worse has also been detected. So not going great while we wait to get vaccinated.


Having a hard time understanding why Canada and the EU are doing so poorly with vaccines, tbh, especially compared with countries like the US and UK. Like, what’s the difference that’s causing the different outcomes?

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In Canada the problem is that we don’t manufacture the vaccine so we are reliant on getting shipments of the vaccine from other countries. Obviously those countries that manufacture the vaccine want to vaccinate themselves first.

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One reasonable criticism of the EU over the years has been that in striving to be seen to be fair it’s hugely bureaucratic, being structurally based on the French civil service…which means umpteen levels of approvals needed for each and every decision.

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AZ has also been a pain in the ass. First, they basically stated that they won’t fulfill the EU’s order because the UK beat them to it. Then, they slowed up their supply to make revisions to their supply chain or some shit like that. Now there have been a few cases in Denmark and Austria of a few people getting blood clots after the vaccine. Most EU countries have stopped administering them temporarily. So supply has been a huge issue.

Other countries are also not doing it right. The Czech government was proud about administering 50,000 shots in a day. Each place is basically a waiting room and a single table where each person gets one shot at a time. Meanwhile, places in America are using football stadiums for mass vaccinations.

Jabb’d. Phone now has 19 bars


I went through some things I journaled from this time period last year, and it’s about to get wild.

It’s weird because when I look back at it now I think about the good we did, how I grew as a physician and how much I loved the people I worked with.

Those writings though… they are filled with anger, guilt and grief. Fuzziness of memory is a good thing.

Like, have you ever had a friend of yours have their death make the front page of CNN? It was there for days. I couldn’t go to that website. I wrote about that. I had forgotten. I still think about Frank Gabrin sometimes though (first US doctor to die).




My 36 year old son in the Minnesota (non high risk) just got poked today at the mall of America. Overweight pops in PA can’t find anything still, so my drive to Ohio is ON.


In other news 4 Utah residents died the same day after purchasing apples. Also two dozen died after taking aspirin in the previous week. Stay tuned. More to come on these developments


I’ve had a few patients now blame several anxiety based symptoms on their covid vaccine, which is both annoying and heartening.

So I guess I’m an outlier. I got absolutely wrecked by the second shot of Pfizer that I got on Friday morning. Find a sub 8% side effect and I had it, though I guess those are all probably correlated. I am still incapable of getting out of bed really. It’s a relief to be alert and I’m about to pay some ungodly amount to Uber eats crackers and Gatorade from 7-11.

Felt like the flu but with extra disorientation. I talked to my buddy at some point today and I could not believe it had only been one day. I was convinced it had been two.

The headache was excruciating and while somewhat lessened is still raging. I called the urgent care located across the street from me that isn’t even in my health plan this morning, I told them to please get a toradol shot ready and the girl was so nice she took all my info over the phone, but I couldn’t get up.

The joint pain was something very unusual. I felt like a transformer. It was an extreme effort to move anything and it felt like I had arthritis in every joint.

Anyways, I don’t think my experience was normal, but if I had to do it over again I probably wait until I can find J&J.


Sorry to hear about it, but at least you know they gave you the real stuff and and just squirt in the dusty air from an empty vial! Stay hydrated and this too shall pass.


Sucks man, you’ll feel better tomorrow.

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How has this not been @BestOf ed yet?

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A week after my first jab, I’ve been feeling a little sick in the mornings, to where my instinct is to just pull the blinds and sleep for a few more hours (which of course I can do because covid wfh). So I get paranoid, thinking of course - just my luck - I catch covid a month away from full immunity. But then I feel fine the rest of the day.

Smart biology people - could this be my always slow oil tanker of a body finally recognizing something it needs to create antibodies for, and slowly changing course to fight it?

Doubtful. It’s almost certainly in your head.

It’s not in my head you dingus. It’s not nothing. It’s either an ear infection or some kind of sinus infection or my body reacting to the jab.

I was focusing on the “paranoia” part of your post.

I have no idea how someone is supposed to guess ear or sinus infection based on "been feeling a little sick in the mornings, to where my instinct is to just pull the blinds and sleep for a few more hours ". But sure, if you’ve symptoms of those things, then it could be that.

EDIT: To be clear, I’m not completely ruling out some reaction to the vaccine. That just seems unlikely based on widely reported vaccine side effects. And that’s why I said “Doubtful”.