COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

i hope so. i heard CA is considering just opening all tiers of 1B for eligibility, and iā€™m guessing all of west coast will do the same just to rip the bandaid off, and at least 4-6 weeks to get all of them jabbed.


This week, West Virginia opened up eligibility to everyone 50 or older

Wasnā€™t WV #1 in vaccinations because they rejected some federal thing. I could be remembering it wrong.

They arenā€™t using the Federal program to partner with Walgreens and CVS. But I think thereā€™s more to it than that. Their deliveries per capita were higher than most states last time I looked.

Iā€™ve been preparing students for state exams for months and now the government is hinting at cancelling them.

Christ that would suck. Teaching all that stuff for nothing.

At the same time, heā€™s right. Theyā€™re basically meaningless exams. They donā€™t affect your transcript or acceptance to a university and this year theyā€™re pass-fail due to the pandemic.

they were close to #1 a week or two into vaccinations, but lots of states caught up since then.

The OG COVID thread from a year ago:



Yet somehow i was in the same position as everyone else, equally ill prepared

Would have been nice if id at least been able to pick up some toilet paper futures.

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Goes up for six straight weeks, then there is a lockdown.

Goes slightly down for six days and itā€™s time to open back up.


Man it is really weird to read through the first couple months of that thread. It somehow seems both so incredibly distant and like it was just yesterday. It also confirms my theory that UP is one hell of a good collection of smarter than average people who have consistently been a step ahead of the curve.


I have a theory that most people just want to raise their kids in peace, which causes them to deny an obvious major upheaval is coming until it smacks them in the face.

CDC says vaccinated can ditch masks and distancing in gatherings with the vaccinated and in gatherings with low-risk unvaccinated i.e. kids. Still should wear masks in public and avoid crowds.

The recommendations for vaccinated seem fine to me, but the rest probably a sign that we arenā€™t going to be waiting to vaccinate kids before full OFB. Hopefully we dont regret that later.

Yeah, I think those guidelines are pretty responsible, and yeah, I think the appetite to sit down in an Applebeeā€™s is too great for the country to wait for vaccine approval and delivery for children. Which is sad, but that just seems to be how itā€™ll be. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be taking my kids out to eat or grocery shopping or what have you until either theyā€™re vaccinated or the case load has been zero for a couple weeks at least.

Are you going to wait for kids to be vaccinated before resuming pre-COVID behavior?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Not going back to regular behavior even if everyone is vaxxed
  • Donā€™t know

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This depends on what exactly ā€œregular behaviorā€ means.

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Doing what you used to do before the pandemic.