COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Dude, you need to get your antibodies under control. Can’t let them be causing havoc and shit.

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I had a moment of clarity this afternoon after another dose of ibuprofen. Was able to drive to get some Gatorade and make myself food. Hangover brain kicked in and I made myself a fried egg on bagel sandwich. Back to feeling like crud now though.


I’m hoping the AstraZeneca shot isn’t this bad.

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Just a few months left to use quarantine to do all the things that you told yourself you would one day do - things that would have been perfect to during quarantine: get ripped; start doing yoga; write that graphic novel; learn another language.

When quarantine ends, you’ll be faced with the stark reality that you’ll never do any of it.


Which vaccine did they give you?

Moderna. I’ve heard it’s the worst in regards to second dose side effects. Think the younger / stronger your immune system is, the more intense the reaction. Obv not a dr

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Sure… why not?


Curious if anybody here has received the AZ vaccine. A lot of BioTech and Moderna shots here.

I’ll be registering for an appointment tomorrow but the only one available for teachers now is AstraZeneca.

The side effects are just your body suiting up for war, right? Seems like you’d want the one that produces strong side effects, I am not a doc, obv.

Things are getting so bad in the Czech Republic that the model used to evaluate the state of covid-19 in this country supposedly needs to be adjusted to accommodate the severity in some regions.

Prague continues to be the least impacted since people here know what’s up and are smart enough to follow policies. They’re also more actively enforced compared to Who-gives-a-fuck, Czechia where even the cops refuse to wear masks.

The South Africa mutation reached here like a week ago and the impact of it spreading has been almost immediate.

What needs to happen is aggressive enforcement of violations. There aren’t any penalties for breaking the rules. People need to be chucked in prison or fined heavily for not having a mask or something like that.

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Let us know how long the side effects last. Most of the people I know that got their 2nd jab felt much better the day after the crud started.


I always test high on my first BP reading at the doctor for some reason. Then I sit for a few minutes and drink a glass of water and it drops like 20 over 10.

I wanted to test well for an insurance policy and ended up reading a trucker message board somehow.

Best legal trick I saw was a hot bath.

I don’t think we have any decent data, but I would not be the least bit surprised if the variance between people is large compared to the variance between vaccines. One crappy day is a small price to pay for the assurances to yourself and everyone else.

Local health unit announced another record day for covid cases here. We’ve now had more covid cases in February than we did all last year. As a result we’re moving back into “Grey-Lockdown” starting March 1st. I believe all the schools are closing as well and going virtual. Hopefully people actually follow the rules this lockdown because last time no one seemed to care.

Also you know what grinds my gears? idiot right wingers arguing that we should keep schools open for the good of the children when they have never given a damn about children’s education before.

Probably going to stick to more practical goals, like being able to put on pants with a belt again.


Chapter 8 - Beats, Brags, and Variants


Yeah thats perfect

I have anxiety at the doctor’s office. So my blood pressure is always higher than it was when I went to Wal-Mart to test it.

It’s probably bad now given my weight gain.