COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Nah not purposely. I think people often try to explain their anxiety and depression with more “medical” reasons because those are easier to admit

I thought there were people who legit had fevers for months. Although, I guess that could be psychosomatic as well.

Maybe? I don’t mean to say that literally every one is primarily psych, but this has all the classic markers of some trendy diagnosis.

Yes. Unless you hit…

partial herd immunity. :see_no_evil:


Czech government went from planning to open schools yesterday to wanting to close kindergartens starting next week.

Even more restrictions than before. I suppose such a thing is possible

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I laughed.


My 9yo caught it at school (I don’t want to revisit that debate!) - at least 4 kids in her class and the teacher tested positive. She developed a runny nose Sat the 13th and tested positive. She was completely fine, worst symptom she had was a lightly runny nose. The teacher is fine as well, thankfully.

If it were my wife or I, obviously we stick in the extra bedroom and exit it as little as possible for 10 days. With a kid, it’s tough. I think it would have been too much to ask to lock her in her room for 10 days. We tried to keep her to her room and the living room (we mostly stayed out of the living room), she had to wear a mask outside of her room (which she did great with) and we kept our distance as much as you can with a kid.

My wife and I never developed any symptoms during the 10 days. Today was the 11th day, so we’re all excited to de-mask inside the house, and of course I wake up with a sore throat. No other symptoms, but they did have me take a rapid test which came back negative. I think I’ll still wear the mask and sleep separately until the sore throat goes away, just in case I lucked into a false negative.


Maybe a positive placebo effect?

I thought most of the long haulers were people who had significant symptoms during the infectious period.

UK variant poses greater risk, Danish study shows

Cases of a coronavirus mutation first detected in the UK pose a greater risk of hospital admissions, Denmark’s health minister says, citing a study.

Magnus Heunicke says the study of cases in Denmark shows people infected with the UK variant have a 60% higher risk of being admitted to hospital.

Now dominant in much of the UK, the variant has spread to more than 100 countries, according to the World Health Organization.

Last week the variant, also known as B.1.1.7, became dominant in Denmark, accounting for 63% of all new infections.

“The Danish study aligns very well with the data already from the UK,” Heunicke says at a news conference. “There is a 60% greater risk of being hospitalised with the British corona variant.”

It is not clear what data the minister was referring to.

Last month, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said there was “some evidence” the variant has caused “a higher degree of mortality”.

There is some research suggesting the UK variant may be associated with a 30% higher risk of death. But the evidence is not strong and the data is still uncertain.

There’s no hard and fast rule. The people who had evidence of organ damage are easily explainable (pneumonia, hypoxia, etc). The rest notsomuch.

No worries. Not trying to revive the debate.

Show me most Covid long haulers and I’ll show you someone with a Patreon, GoFundMe, or OnlyFans. Maybe all 3.

Apparently all time spent stressing and building my own model and laughing at IMHE has paid off.

I just got a great con$ulting gig based on my linked in posts and covid blogs. Probably going to be worth high five figures in 2021. Apparently they have a fairly academic R&D group that struggles with experimental planning and data analysis.

The called me and offer the gig out of the blue. No negotiation on my rate. The CTO and I worked for the same parent company in the past and know each other a little but have never really worked together. He used my postings to help convince the CEO to bring me on.

Aside from certain debates here, I have a reputation for getting people to do their science/data without pissing them off (well except for the hopeless morons-but that’s their problem).

After dead silence most of 2020, I may have my best year ever in 2021. Phones been ringing off the hook.

Sorry for the BBV derail, I was just happily surprised that he used my covid rantings to justify hiring me.


congrats!!! You do good work afaict, which isn’t much.

I’ve gone a long time thinking I had more than enough data to validate my worth to companies but 2020 really made me doubt that at times.

The funny thing as I’ve always said we should all get the summer off every five years. (Eg age 30,35,40…) and I was 55 last year.

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Fuck Yeah!


Yeah I over shot the “summer” by an additional 6-7 months.



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Congrats man, very happy for you.

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