COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants


Same in Ontario. My wife is vaccinated because of her job but I am probably not getting vaccinated until July at least.

Your insights have been valuable in this thread, but your dismissiveness toward the possibility of “long covid” type symptoms is infuriating to someone who has had to deal with this attitude from doctors in the real world. Immune system disorders are quite real and can be debilitating. The symptoms reported and grouped under “long covid” are classic immunological disorder stuff. They are observable and objective, and to dismiss them as psychological is, well, infuriating. You are doing your patients a great disservice if you are as dismissive of their complaints as you are here.


Vaccines are (finally) being delivered to GPs. Initially, you could only get them at hospitals. Thing is that they’re being delivered by volunteers because the distribution network is not fully set up.

I suppose Czech Republic is what happened when Ron DeSantis runs a country rather than a state.

Gotta keep the virus on its toes, If you broadcast the plan, the virus will know your next move!


I think it’s a matter of definition. I don’t think that CN is denying that there can be some long term effects but that he has frequently observed there is something akin to the placebo effect in that “long haul” becomes popular in the media and people then associate other symptoms with covid-long bs things that might other things. Also people post covid will be hyper aware of their bodies.

Wife has an uncle that has “plastic”(?) lung post covid. I consider him a long hauler.

As with most debates here, the subtlety of a position fades from memory and often when replying someone in CNs position just jumps to the point.

There will need to be specific clinical definitions long term to validate if there is an actual nebulous long haul syndrome aside from the major stuff of clearly damaged organs.

Trip report from trying to schedule an appointment in DC.

Starting today at 9:00 am, DC opened up additional eligibility to schedule appointments. Previously only 65+ and frontline workers were eligible. Now anyone 18-64 with certain medical conditions were eligible. So, a ton more people will be hammering the website.

I go full Ticketmaster for a big show mode with multiple devices, dropping f bombs at unreadable captchas and “server unreachable” error messages before, finally, at 9:15, I reach the screening questionnaire.

  • Do I live in a priority zip code? YES!
  • Provide Address, DOB, demographic info. SURE THING!
  • Do you have a qualifying medical condition? YOU BETCHA!

So, do I now have one of those sweet, sweet appointments? No, I do not.

Anyone want to guess why?

Because the geniuses who maintain the website didn’t update the form logic to account for the new eligibility rules, so anyone under the age of 65 is getting an error message saying we’re not eligible yet!


Can you tell me exactly what these objective findings are?

There’s a big difference between those who have no objective findings who had a benign initial course and someone who had lung damage from pneumonia or the like. I’m referencing the former, not the latter. There’s a lot of the former.

Pulling out who belongs into each group is difficult.

Too late. The full batch of appointments that opened up today have all been taken. I might consider it in the future, but (a) not really a fan of having to lie to cover up the incompetence of others and (b) I’m worried that having an ID that doesn’t match the appointment confirmation could get me turned away on site, which would suck

Given how shitty we are doing in Canada “the south shall rise again” should really be changed to the North.


Up all night to get buggy.


Yo dudes, remember hydroxychloroquine? Shit, we had some silly ideas about how to deal with pandemics back in the 90s.


Somehow I doubt the coders were working all night…

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I’m taking issue with the automatic assumption that someone who complains of severe fatigue, for example, is imagining their symptom. I am unfortunately quite familiar with this type of dismissive attitude by non-specialist doctors when presented with a complaint of fatigue and brain fog following a viral illness. The patient then has to spend countless hours demanding to see specialists, getting testing, and having enough blood drawn to warrant a zipper in the arm. Lo and behold, tests show several abnormalities, including extremely high c-reactive protein levels (there are others, I just forget what they were). Other objective symptoms soon appear, such as gastroparesis and angioedema in the lips and eyes. These symptoms and test results were not imagined.

The patient eventually is diagnosed as “pre-lupus,” which just means that there is something wrong with the immune system and it overreacts to otherwise mild illnesses, but there are not enough symptoms overlap to make a definitive diagnosis of lupus yet. Even the common cold can trigger inflammation that manifests in different ways for several weeks if not months, some of which are observable. So it’s not at all surprising to this admittedly non-doctor that even a seemingly mild case of Covid can cause fatigue, brain fog and gastrointestinal problems.


It’s really nuts how little anyone seems to care about the coming third wave. It’s just mindboggling that B1.1.7 can be detected in a regular PCR test, without sequencing, but, to the best of my knowledge, no one is publicly reporting current superCOVID case counts. The CDC says there are less than 2k “reported” cases of B1.1.7 (total), when a better guess is something like 20k cases per day. Is this how it’s going to go from now on? Every February, there’s going to be a deadly coronavirus pandemic gathering steam, and the CDC is going to be shitting the bed on testing and early warning?


Covid-19: Chapter 8 – Don’t forget aboot Canada.