COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

More battles on the kid thing. Not trying to restart the discussion here, just that showing we are not unique.

Reports from everyone I’ve spoken with who have had the shot here in NYC all have said that absolutely no one is asking for verification of eligibility once the appointment is scheduled. I walked in and out of my second appointment like they were waiting for me and no one asked for anything other than the info on the email when you schedule.

Virtually all of these people have met the eligibility requirements, but given how little resistance anyone is getting, it suggests that supply is greater than demand (here in the city anyway) and that if you’re ok with the ethical dilemma of not waiting your turn, you should go ahead and just make the appointment.

In New York, you are eligible for vaccination if your BMI is over 30, or you have high blood pressure, or many many other co-morbidities. My wife qualified with a pre-existing condition, and I qualified due to employment.

Side note: waiting the 3 weeks between shots has felt longer than waiting for the entirety of the pandemic up until the first stab. Boo hoo, amirite?

For me it was being super proactive and living in a state not run by DeSantis. I followed everything very closely. Probably too closely. Was watching a press conference with Gov and Health Secretary as it was happening on a Wednesday in mid January (13th to be exact). They announced that eligibility would be expanded to get the shot starting the following day. I immediately went online and started going to all of the vaccination site websites looking for openings. Was able to book my first shot for that Friday, two days out. Got my parents and eligible sibling booked as well. There was a ton of availability at that exact moment. By the time the press conference hit the local news two hours later, appointments were booked through May.

Other people I know that have gotten the shot not through their work have also had to be super proactive. The appointments aren’t falling in their laps. Of course being able to do the leg work is a sign of certain privileges for sure, and I am not downplaying that. I feel incredibly lucky to have been vaccinated so early, but I also am satisfied that my being hyper tuned in to COVID news and quick to pull the trigger allowed me to get it months ahead of when I otherwise would.

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I was scheduled to get my first shot last Tuesday but then Texas shut down for a week. So I am still waiting for a reschedule.

From observation seems mostly people who know someone who works in healthcare/themselves or some people just hustling super hard.

Sister is an NP, I take of moms who is super high risk and the nurse was like damn you’re handsome you want one too? I think thats how it happened anyways.

Sister was surprised, said I was a lucky lil shit.


So going against CDC guidance, the governor of CT announced yesterday they were scrapping the plan of opening it up to people with pre-existing conditions and doing a strictly age-based release (with the exception that teachers of any age qualify). The claim is that they’ll be able to get more people done faster that way instead of trying to verify eligibility requirements. Idk if that claim is accurate or if it makes sense scientifically to try and get it out to more people vs to more vulnerable people but for strictly personal reasons it sucks since now I’ll be farther down the list.

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Not going to lie, I am on tilt seeing that 40% of this thread is vaccinated already and my state is apparently going to move at a snails pace based on age.


Is New York checking for residency?

Is Texas checking for residency?

Read this on the Phase Finder Tool

Vaccine distribution in Washington will be based on the honor system. We trust people in Washington to accurately self- report the individual factors that determine their vaccine distribution phase.

But then…

Who developed the tool?
Phase Finder was developed as a public private partnership between the Washington State Department of Health and Gates Foundation who donated their time for the effort.

:tinfoil: (wow, no tinfoil hat emoji?)

I don’ tthink you even have to be a NY resident per NY’s posted rules to get vaccinated.

I feel you man. Almost half of my states adult population is somehow part of phase 1a so we are still stuck on that and will be for a while. Phase 1a is

65 or older
Long term care resident or worker
Health care worker
Teacher or childcare worker

I don’t understand how almost half of the population is one of those people but that’s what the state is saying. We aren’t even halfway through that subset of people yet.

Yeah, thread has me on monkey tilt. Would drive anywhere within like a 4 state radius to get this done.

Hmm, I believe that I had to answer yes to being a NY resident and was asked for my county of residence. Didn’t ever try to answer no, but my thought is you do…

Former Czech president Vaclav Klaus:

January 15th

February 23rd

I mean you just hate to see it.


Vermont update:

  • 71 year old mother got first shot today.
  • Registration for ages 65-69 (including 69 year old father) starts on March 1.
  • Estimating that Level 5 (people under 65 with high-risk conditions) will begin in late March. No news on what those conditions are or how/if they will check for them.
  • No estimate on further groups down.

Yeah as someone who has both shots now it’s a super bummer to see people here who took this super seriously not getting their shots knowing lots of yolo assholes who probably already pozzed and pozzed 5+ people are getting theirs.

Ready to do a vaccine heist to make sure @Danspartan gets his.

This is a ridiculous plan, setting aside a ~month to focus on just 5% of Vermont’s population.

The lower down in ages we get, it becomes exponentially less important to stratify vaccine availability by age. Someone 60 is already 1/10 the mortality risk as someone who is 80. We should start with at least 10 year brackets for each month, and continue lowering eligibility requirements aggressively.

It’s good if there is more demand than supply, especially since it’s likely there will be far more supply in 60 days than there is now. Set up a secondary priority system to allow for 65+ year olds who slipped through the cracks if you have to.

Can confirm. I just got my jab this morning in Washington state. No questions regarding eligibility.

I’m walking the ethical line. I certainly don’t qualify but my job takes me in and out of secure facilities (prisons, jails, mental institutions, halfway houses, juvenile detention) and they have gotten hammered regularly with outbreaks, so I jumped at the chance to get a shot when a clinic went first come, first serve this morning. Got in line at 7 am, signed in at 8, back to the clinic at 10a. Wait until 1045, jabbed at 1055.