COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I mean, I wasn’t like deathly ill. It was the equivalent of a bad cold. Way less bad then having the flu.

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Clouds and silver linings.

It’ll encourage people to take real holidays in future.

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And given the vaccine biased toward the most vulnerable, the hospitalizations and deaths will be way down

Which in itself is great. But letting tens of thousand of cases per day circulate is a good laboratory experiment for mutant generation and selection.

The virus will at least land some more body blows on us in this fight. Hopefully no more haymakers in the form of a significant vaccine avoiding variant.

22 hours post second Moderna jab and nothing but a sore arm here. Wife has had a few dizzy spells but not much for side effects for her either.


We get our 2nd shot Friday. We’re planning on staying at my mother in laws that night and driving back the next day. Hopefully the symptoms aren’t bad during the drive. I thought about just going there and back in 1 day before they have a chance to kick in but I think I would be vetoed.


Happy for all of you, but how are so many ITT getting the vaccine already?

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Kinda wondering that myself.

I’d speculate that the average income here is higher than America as a whole. So they have quicker access to it in general compared to minorities in impoverished areas of America with poorer healthcare infrastructure.

Anyway, Czech government is projecting that hospitals will be at capacity within 2-3 weeks. Would be completely moronic to open schools now but it’ll probably happen anyway. You’d think the government would see what other countries are doing and follow their lead but they just won’t.

Here’s how Europe has been doing since the beginning

Czech Republic pops into the top 10 on September 13th. Hits number one on January 9th and has been increasing their lead over the competition ever since.

The US would be 4th on that list as of February 16th.

Down here in Florida, we had 294 people vaccinated, either on Monday or Sunday, not sure which, but we have 600,000 people in the area. At this pace, assorted snails will be in line with me some years in the future when I get my vaccine. They’re blaming the recent slowdown on the Southwest snowstorm. A lack of available vaccine is a valid excuse. I just don’t see any evidence that the system is going to be able to ramp up when the supply catches up with demand.

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Covid’s closing in - good friend of mine’s dad just passed after a several weeks long battle.


I know a ton of people who have been vaccinated, their reasons ranging from 100% legitimate (olds and health care workers) to mildly questionable (I know somebody who signed up to volunteer at a vaccination site and at some point was given the jab, but I’m pretty damn sure she won’t do much actual volunteering). But I’m comforted by the fact that even the questionable ones are providing a benefit for everyone by being vaccinated.

Call around to places administering and see if they have a list for leftover doses that will go to waste. A lot of places have these lists but you will have to get there quick, most within 15 minutes of them calling you. No clue if this is standard all over the country, but it’s going on around here.

A popular way to get vaccinated in LA is to find some old person/people who need help scheduling an appointment and getting to/from their vaccination. Make sure their appointment is at the very end of the day and be as helpful as you possibly can when you arrive with them. They’ll probably jab ya.

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Privilege. We’ve had friends and family in the industry help us. A lot of my friends have gotten it by calling Kroger and asking to be put on the standby list.

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frontline worker

report from the doc box- masks in the doc box are way down… but we’re literally all vaccinated. They’re all on by the time we walk out.

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Have you gotten the COVID vaccine?
  • Yes, both shots.
  • Yes, one shot.
  • No, but am scheduled to get the first one.
  • No, not eligible yet in my jurisdiction.
  • No, other reason.

0 voters


Supposed to be eligible to register for an appointment on March 1st. Who the hell knows when I’ll actually get it?

Yeah, this is just not a thing here.

Someone I work with talked about this route on a conference call this week, first I had heard of it. Apparently in NYC if you can volunteer at a vax site for 12 hours, you get vaccinated. Healthy 50ish year old. He was getting a shot this week through this program. Not sure how connected you have to be in order to go this route.

It is even worse then that. Yankee Stadium is Bronx only and is supposed to serve the largely poor local community. But it is really easy to get an appointment there if you work on the internet all dat and can hit F5 every 10 minutes. If you are elderly, don’t have internet access and/or have ambulatory difficulty? Not so much. And you are not allowed to just show up and stand in line either.

1A but haven’t been able to find it yet in PA.

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