COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Yeah I didn’t have symptoms until like 14 hours after my 2nd shot.

Lol, you’re in for an unpleasant surprise tonight. I started feeling really sick around 3 am the morning after I had gotten my second Moderna shot the previous morning at 11 am. It went away around dinner time.

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It took almost a year but the Czech government is finally requiring respirators in stores and public transport. Either that or doubled up surgeon’s masks.

Before, anything covering the face and nose was acceptable. People were even covering their face and nose with their T-shirt. Very early on, that was understandable due to the lack of face masks. But this should have happened ages ago.

They’re still targeting March 1st for partially opening schools. But given the corruption behind who got the testing contract (which led to its cancellation), there isn’t an approved test provider. So that’s probably bullshit.

You bought cruise stonks? Lol, dude that was a bad investment.

We should be a month or two away from cruises with proof of vaccination being viable.

The cruise industry needs to drastically shrink to survive the next few years. Demand is going to be way down and they were building a ton of ships when this happenned, most of which need thousands of people to sail in a not socially distant manner to be viable. There is no way all the major cruiselines survive.

Good news is the side effects are said to be a sign the vaccine is working and your immune system is spinning up. Except for that one person who had a freak immediate reaction and almost passed out, that’s not supposed to happen, I don’t think.

I hope our government steps in to bail out this critical industry. Think of the business lost taxes and domestic employment.

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Honestly I expect us to get to 50% I know so fucking many people 20-35 who feel the rona is of no threat to them so they don’t want the vaccine.

Honestly our only chance is getting infected gives you long term immunity and we get there via vaccines + infected immunity

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I retract my above statement about cruises because you have to vaccinate the staff too, most of whom are from countries with lower vaccination rates.

Uff. That sounds so far away. I was hoping that they had kid trials underway already and that we’d be thinking about getting kids vaccinated for fall 2021.

Wow, I still can’t believe how many people in here have gotten vaccinated already.

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She is a fucking idiot.

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Can’t they just require a vaccine to ride? Demand is going to be down? …or will it be super high as everyone is desperate to YOLO ?

Trials are underway. Double checked and saw that date may be for younger kids. White House task force has walked back the timeline some, but still some possibility older kids are vaccinated this year.

I’m not doubting you, or that the scientists are doing the best they can, really. I just had higher hopes, and while I might be wrong, it doesn’t feel like we’ll actually be through this until we get kids vaccinated as well.


Don’t let them scare you. All I experienced after the second jab was a mildly sore arm.

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I’m really surprised at how many people have been vaccinated.

I know two people in America who have received a shot or more. One is my 88 year old grandmother and the other is a nurse. My mother was set to get her first short but was snowed in in upstate New York and had to reschedule.

I get to register for an appointment starting on March 1st. Knowing how incompetent the government is, my appointment probably won’t be until mid-April.

There are kid trials underway. There’s an MRNA trial for 12-16 year olds for one of the MRNA vaccines I think enrolling right now, can’t remember if it’s moderna or pfizer. But, yeah, the age range of your kids and mine? That’s going to be a while. 2022 at the earliest. It sucks.

There’s no way demand isn’t going to be way down. There are a hard core base of cruisers yes who want to cruise, but the cruiselines exploded in recentyears because they attracted casual cruisers and young people. A lot of them aren’t coming back. Capacity was built up huge in anticipation of continued expansion forever. That’s not happening. And finally, there is a huge overlap between deplorables who are not going to get vaccinated under any circumstances, and hard core cruisers. I doubt they ever require a vaccine to ride unless the CDC mandates it.