COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

You stated an extreme position. You stated that we should not care about a huge group of people because they’re idiots. The fact that you aren’t ok with applying this same logic when when used against groups you don’t hate as much should make you reconsider your position.

I care about them, just not enough to perpetually inconvenience myself(*). If the drunk guy hits a tree I am going to get him out of the car and do whatever I can. If the car is burning I consider my options.

(*)Additionally I am not going to keep spending money on masks for the benefit of the lazy or ignorant.

I’m on team I hope masking becomes more common after this during winter/flu season. Like in many asian cultures how it’s seen as rude/selfish not to do it if you have the sniffles.

The way I see it, if you aren’t masking up in the future with even a cold, you’re an asshole.

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Bolded relevant (UK…33% will still be at risk, even after all adults vaccinated i.e. end July 2021)

Could some measures remain even after mass vaccination?

Prime Minister Boris Johnson paid tribute to the UK’s vaccine rollout saying it has “dramatically changed the odds in our favour”.

The government’s roadmap document says vaccines have “transformed our efforts to tackle Covid-19” but acknowledges “they will not guarantee protection for everyone”.

It says this is because vaccines are not authorised for some groups – such as children – and not everyone will take up the offer of a jab. It adds that vaccines won’t be 100% effective against infection or against serious illness or death.

The document says that even after the entire adult population is offered the vaccine, not everyone will be protected – it estimates that about a third of the population will either not be protected or not be eligible for the vaccine.

For this reason it says some measures could remain. These could include the mantra of “hands, face and space”, the test and trace system and controls at the borders.

However, they acknowledge that it is still too early to understand the extent to which these measures will be needed.

I don’t see why vaccines wouldn’t be approved for kids relatively soon. They should be last priority though for sure. I’m fairly certain the studies are going on now. Don’t see the 33% thing being long term. No reason to suspect they won’t be approved.

Analysis: We cannot stop Covid deaths completely

Despite all the progress with vaccination, UK chief medical adviser Chris Whitty is adamant we cannot stop Covid deaths completely.

During a bad flu season, 9,000 people can die. During the winter of 2017-18, deaths topped 20,000.

Prof Whitty said going forward it was important to see Covid deaths in that context.

Modelling produced for the government by Imperial College London suggested there could be 30,000 deaths by the summer of 2022. And that was the optimistic scenario with a slow lifting of restrictions.

Kids Oxford trials start in the UK February…UK will be vaccinating all kids from July 2021 (IMO, watch this space)

Some 300 volunteers will take part, with the first vaccinations in the trial taking place later in February.

I see the primary conflict between Republicans and Democrats as being fought over the size and role of government. All other issues are concessions made to draw in allies within the context of a two-party system.

Yeah the trials are underway. Fauci thinks Spring/Summer of '22 for the start of kid vaccinations if all goes well. If the vaccines “work” as we hope this whole conversation is sort of academic as I agree, sort of doubt anywhere in America keeps mask mandates in place to '23 in the face of low death/hospitalization counts (which would likely be where we are with a vaccinated adult population assuming no variants, effectiveness is as expected, etc). One lesson Ive taken from the pandemic is that society gives zero fucks about kids.


She’s not saying she’s anti-vaxx. She’s whining because she has no idea when she’s going to get the vaccine, and what the recommendations are for vaccinated people interacting with non-vaccinated people.

Bought a UV sterilizer for my mobile phone only to see that N95 masks fit in there.

Money saved.

Just got back from my appointment for the 2nd dose of Moderna. The are doing Pfizer today (snow storms had the clinic closed all last week) and didn’t tell me, so I have to go back tomorrow.

My sister got her second dose of Moderna today at a different tribal clinic, and had a severe reaction. Blackout. Epipen. Loss of sight. Should I tell her she basically won the lottery with how low incidence rates are?


Scary, but sounds like it was something pretty benign in the end. Definitely sounds vagal.

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Who’s up for a Tom and Jerry watch party IRL?

This has happened to me >5 times while having blood drawn (minus the epi part, my vision goes black and i pass out). It is an awful experience and I dread having blood taken which makes me nervous and probably more prone to the same thing happening. I do fine with shots though.

I’ve also passed out/blacked out like that randomly in public throughout my life, first time was in elementary school and the last time was in a casino a couple years ago, I was standing behind a friend watching him play pai gow and got the feeling, lucky I stumbled to a slot machine chair before I went out

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Yup happens to me sometimes too when I have blood drawn. It’s really fucking weird as it comes on into unconsciousness. Then it feels fucking awful when you regain. Last time I puked in a trash can in the doc’s office I was chilling in while recovering.

Now I try and drink more fluids and am close to horizontal when I do blood stuff and it has been better.

Seems unlikely anything due to what’s in the vaccine.
Have her google vasovagal and she can read all about this fun ride she had.

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happened to me last visit to physician. they wanted to do bloodwork, so told me to fast. of course since i take calories in my tea, i did not have any drink beforehand either. then during the appointment convinced me to also do a genetic screening, which meant two more vials. just as she was done drawing blood, i passed out for only second (maybe third) time in my life. apparently it is a pretty easy way, even if you are not necessarily prone to fainting.

Wife and I got our second dose of Moderna today. We scored end of day leftovers a few weeks back. 7 hours in and so far neither of us have any side effects, knock on wood.

Edit: No side effects so far except the 5g reception.


You’re going to be so upset when 6G drops

Give it 5 more hours.

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