COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I tested negative last Sunday and again today so tittay bar time don’t at me AMA about my sweet antibodies


If memory serves, the Navy ship and Javits didn’t come online until the shit really hit the fan, at which point a good amount of the fatalities for nursing home residents had already happened or was already set in motion.

We also have the benefit of hindsight now, but try to recall at that time we were labbing out scenarios ITT where global supply chains would completely break down and you’d need to survive on 3 months of hoarded granola bars and soup.

Yeah, also this. Things did not get as bad as they could have, and we had no way of knowing how bad they would get. I mean, hospitals were overrun in Italy and they’re a modern first world nation. I think people are forgetting how bad it got. There were a few weeks there where it was extremely difficult to purchase flour, pasta, chicken, beef, fish, bread, or eggs, at least in my area.


A few weeks ago there was an article about some Congressman who tested positive after receiving both vaccine doses. NBC is reporting four Oregon residents who have tested positive after receiving both doses. Their cases were either so mild that they did not require hospitalization or they were asymptomatic. So I guess that’s good news? But it seems clear the vaccine doesn’t provide 100% immunization in 100% of cases.

It seems like it because it is absolutely positively true that none of the vaccines provide 100% immunity to COVID-19. They may provide near 100% protection against dying from COVID-19, and hopefully close to that for severe, hospital/ICU necessitating cases.

But for every million people that get vaxxed, there are probably going to thousands (tens of thousands?) of them that will become infected.

Today on “Antivax propaganda on Facebook or NBCNews”…

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Eh maybe, the health officials in Oregon seem to be spinning it as positive news in any event

This was known before the vaccine was even distributed, though. Nothing new at all.

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How are things now?

Today sucked. Fever stayed up at 102 for most of the day. Really bad headache, joint pain, severe chills, and achiness. Felt like I was run over by a steamroller. It’s been a good bit worse than I was expecting but still 100% worth it. Definitely not out of the woods but it’s not getting worse.

For reference, I’m immunosuppressed so not sure how much that is playing a factor.


I think there is a great chance that if you weren’t immunosuppressed your reaction might be even worse.

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Did you have any reaction to the first shot? It’s crazy that the first bit of science juice doesn’t really do anything but the second one brings the funk.

This is all pretty encouraging imho. All these symptoms are just your immune system going to war. I’m not a doctor, obv.

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That actually makes perfect sense.

The first time you get it so your body doesn’t know what it is. It takes some time to figure out what it is and by that time it’s gone. The second time, it knows that it doesn’t belong and your immune system tries to beat the shit out of it. All of those symptoms brad describes is what happens when your immune system is doing work.

That’s a simplified version, but more or less what is going on.

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It’s like 95% isn’t a sure thing. Been two outed on the river so many times it barely even hurts anymore.

None. Had a sore arm for a day and a half but now worse than a flu shot.

What then is the response going to be like for the one shot vaccines like the Johnson and Johnson?

Hopefully it makes your arm sore for a day.

Mostly good, some stupid ideas in this article, but worth a read of someone at least taking a swing for the fence.

Restrictions back in New Zealand as they have a local outbreak. Unclear with these new variants if the good COVID prevention countries can maintain the relatively normal domestic life they’ve had over the last few months or if more caution/restrictions will be needed for some time. Seems it started with an airline worker. Initial limits are a several day lockdown so we will see where it goes or if other outbreaks spring up. Not feeling great about Australia and New Zealand seeing new variant outbreaks in back to back weeks