COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

If you live in NY, today the COVID vaccinations are now open to anyone with a comorbidity. BMI greater than 30 is classified as an eligible comorbidity. If you would like advice on how to quickly attain a BMI of 30 or greater, I would be happy to share diet tips.

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Are they gonna weigh and measure you if you claim that one?

It seems like you can self-certify. Not entirely clear. I think itā€™s basically wide open at this point.

I think looking at the patient will be adequate verification for that one.

My BMI is 34.3. Thatā€™s terrifying. LA is saying ā€œsevere obesityā€ will open up soon. I wonder if Iā€™ll be eligible.

The thing is Iā€™m definitely not skinny. But Iā€™ve always been one of those people who has a high BMI just due to having a big frame and some muscle to go with the fat. So Iā€™d feel like a dick showing up with severe obesity as my comorbidity. I think Iā€™ll just wait for the 50+ crowd.

Iā€™m slightly above 30 right now. Wish the CR considered obesity a comorbidity. Iā€™d be celebrating my weight gain over the last year.

A BMI of 34.3 probbaly puts you at a higher risk then a skinny healthy 60 year old. I wouldnā€™t feel bad about making an appointment. It kind of seems like weā€™re maybe weeks away from this opening up wide anyway. In addition to the new categories NY made available a ton of new appoinmtents through their system today. We apparently got a lot more vaccine from the feds. It seems like supply is finally catching up.

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At least here you self-certified comorbidities. With the actual vaccination site I wasnā€™t even required to tell them what I had, just that I had one. Like jman said I wouldnā€™t feel bad about getting it. My comorbidity that qualified me was hypertension which I felt a little guilty about also but in the end you are helping others by getting it.

If youā€™re going to let obese people get it in this country you might as well open it up fully.


Meanwhile just across the lake, 70 to 74 year olds can start signing up on Tuesday in Vermont.

I donā€™t see how on earth Fauciā€™s prediction of open season in April is going to happen.

In MN were still stuck on 1A which is Healthcare, old folks homes and teachers. They keep saying supply is very limited so yeah it really sucks hearing other states are opening it up to just about everyone.

Teachers here arenā€™t even in the 5th group.

Absolute insanity when squared with the governor wanting full in-person schools by April.

Looks like BMI 35 might be the cutoff for ā€œsevere obesityā€, which becomes open in CA on March 15th.

Lol I can probably get to that with two weeks of drinking beer and eating whatever I want.


Vegas Walmarts just started vaccinating this Friday. Iā€™m guessing that with the amount of nutters here that there will be plenty of vaccines for everybody soon

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I realize you think Iā€™m kind of a douchebag when I post, but at the risk of alienating you further, Iā€™m going do this anyway because I care (seriously).

Get the vaccine as soon as you can.

Unless youā€™re a really jacked, short outliar (Maurice Jones-Drew is the quintessential example), you are more or less as healthy as your BMI says you are. Maybe you have a little bit more muscle or bone mass than some men with the same BMI, but if you get a dexa scan and do some basic calculations, youā€™ll discover how much different you need to be from the average for it to really matter. And I pretty sure the virus doesnā€™t give a shit. As far as itā€™s concerned, youā€™re a 34 BMI.

I get that you might temporarily feel like a dick, but just swallow your pride and get it. Youā€™re going to give yourself some extra Sklansky weeks and youā€™ll still be helping others.

Itā€™s pretty close to being fully open at this point, at least in NY. As I posted, we are probably weeks away from our supply problem turning into a demand problem. At most weā€™re two months away. I think Fauci is going to end up being spot on with his April prediction.

I said late March back when they started first giving them in December (and everyone else was saying summer), and Iā€™m sticking to that. What is going to make it happen is the multitudes that donā€™t want them. Maybe Iā€™ll make a small revision and say that if youā€™re willing to travel upto one hour just about anyone will be able to get one by 4/1. I could be wrong, but Iā€™m still feeling confident.

Dad (70) getting first shot tomorrow, mom (69) getting first shot next week. Iā€™d give them a B+/A- for their effort during this whole thing, but apparently Crate & Barrel is close to the vaccination site, so they want to stop there after his first shot tomorrow because they want to see fabric samples for a sofa they donā€™t need. Cool.


Thatā€™s like the essence of boomer right there.


Agree 100 percent.