COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I took his post to mean that his grandma was currently seeking an abortion. I may have misread.

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As far as I can tell, the nursing home resident deaths were always reported. But the total count was broken up into nursing home deaths and hospital deaths based on where the death occurred. So the criticism is that the nursing home death count seemed too low because some nursing home patients died in hospitals.

A bigger issue that the press doesn’t seem to care about is that the state totals only seems to capture deaths in facilities. Back in the spring, there were a significant number of home deaths that wouldn’t get picked up in the state numbers. But I believe these are captured in the NYC stats.

Which doesn’t seem like a scandal to me. Maybe I’m missing something, but the right has been pushing bullshit about how cuomo forced covid discharges and that’s what caused the problems in nursing homes in ny. That’s bullshit, and it was the only option at the time even if it was true. I’d be wary about this story

Had to catch up on this thread but wanted to know about the April thing fauci said cuz my sister had mentioned it a couple nights ago and with me taking a break here I hadn’t heard that.

Holy shit though if that’s true that’s great!

In other news my parents here in Alabama both got signed up for first shot on this coming Tuesday so I’m stoked about that.

I found out from my sisters though that my dad only signed up initially and my mom wasn’t going to but she agreed after both of my sisters called her up and basically berated her into getting it.

Apparently one of the defenses she threw up was that heritagenothate was never going to get it so our family gatherings would still have that, but they correctly told her that they don’t care about that as long as my parents are protected. Thankful for two sane siblings. Can’t wait to get mine.


The point of my analogy was that people getting abortions doesn’t hurt other people. It only effects that person’s own body. Caffeine analogized the right to an abortion with the right to not take a vaccine. An abortion effects only the person getting an abortion. Not taking a vaccine has the potential to effect the community as a whole and kill other people.

Yeah, this nursing home thing always seemed overblown to me. What alternative did Cuomo have? The hospitals were literally getting overwhelmed. Where were all these people supposed to go?

Wasn’t that Navy ship essentially empty? There were other field hospitals built, including Javits Center. I don’t really know all the details of the nursing home scandal, but it seems wrong to say there was no other place for these folks to go.

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“Where could we possibly have sent them besides to enclaves of the most at-risk population” is a blazing hot take

My understanding is that if you had a rule that every senior citizen who lived in assisted living needed to be housed in some kind of quarantine facility or hospital if they so much as tested positive for Covid, that we would then be talking magnitudes greater than that hospital ship. In addition, as our hospitals started to inch towards being overwhelmed, there was no guarantee that the hospital ship wouldn’t have filled up either.

This was literally their homes. It’s not a blazing hot take. Literally, where? Covid positive seniors who need a higher level of care in their normal every day lives should have been sent… where exactly? I mean, it was a triage situation. There were no good choices.

Perhaps, but shouldn’t they at least have attempted to fill it?

Not sure if I’ve told this story before, but in mid March when things were spiraling out of control I was working 5 straight night shifts. I have a few stories that are fucking insane in hindsight, but one night I remember as the ‘nursing home night’.

Basically what happened is that every nursing home in the immediate area sent anyone they thought might have covid to the ER at once. The criteria for this seemed to be ‘did they look at me funny’. These patients had normal vitals and exams for the most part. The nursing homes completely tied up the ambulance system. We had 15 ambulances waiting outside, no rooms in the ER, and no rooms in the hospital. It was a complete clusterfuck.

The kicker was that these shitholes refused to take the patient backs until we ‘ruled out covid’. Problem was then we didn’t have any rapid testing. Hell normal testing took days on days.

I’m not sure if that’s when the order came that they had to take these people, but that night we had all the higher ups involved for hours at like 2am. They eventually went back to the nursing home.

That night was important because it was the first time I flew completely solo as a doctor. Was still a resident, albeit 3 months from graduation. The attending was dealing with all the admin stuff because you need to be an attending to do that kind of stuff. I was in the ER making big calls without a net for the first time. That would become normal.


Transporting everyone who might have had Covid (remember tests took a week back then at least) from nursing homes all over the state to a hospital ship docked in NYC? At a time when our medical system was buckling?

That’s a different objection and has nothing to do with whether the ship would have filled or not.

I mean there’s a lot of reasons why this didn’t happen. But I don’t think that anyone can say that the Cuomo administration made some kind of grave easily wrong decision. These were impossible decisions in unimaginable circumstances.

Sure. I’m just saying that on the list of reasons, “Well, the ship would have filled, so why even utilize it?” is pretty far down.

Oh I got more to add.

First off, fuck the USNS Comfort. Shitheads didn’t take anybody. At first they didn’t take COVID, then they did but only people who were fine and almost up for discharge. Had two different navy attendings I worked with tell me they were trying to juice their numbers so that people didn’t die on their ship. How much of that is true/fair versus scuttlebutt rumor is up for debate I guess, but that was my experience.

More objectively, the comfort wouldn’t take those patients, and that’s on the feds not Cuomo. They were also late to the party.

No, I mean that ship was like our last reservoir of like, what, a few hundred extra beds? If it was full of people from nursing homes who were not seriously ill and only might have had Covid, that takes the ship offline for serious cases that need hospital beds. Just because we ended up not using those beds doesn’t mean we were guaranteed to not use those beds.

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I’m pretty sure comfort has primarily open medical bays. Putting a bunch of extremely vulnerable covid ruleouts in a giant room with beds and curtains seems like a fucking horrible idea.


This is the same issue with Javitz, and most of our other “overflow” field hospitals as well.