COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Looks like the pandemic has ruined my summer work in the UK. Can’t pay £1,750 for a 10 day quarantine and pull in a decent enough profit to justify working there.

Anyway, there will not be a state of emergency in the Czech Republic starting next Monday. Any restriction implemented as a result of the state of emergency ends up expiring. This means that it will be up to regional governments to implement the restrictions that can be legally passed without a state of emergency.

Basically, it’s gonna be like America with that stuff. Some places will be pretty tightly restricted while others are going to play it loose. Prague won’t change too much though people might be confused on what they can and cannot do. Others will be a bit more courageous and defiant in their actions.

Yeah. Fuck this shit. Id just got my head around going back to the office one day per week.ugh

Germany is to ban travel across some of its borders, after the interior ministry said Austria’s Tyrol region and the Czech Republic were now classed as coronavirus “mutation areas”.

Austrian police and soldiers were deployed in Tyrol on Friday to restrict travel outside the region.

The Czech Republic has also banned movement in and out of three regions.

In a blow to the government, Czech MPs refused to extend a state of emergency, even though infections have not fallen.

if this were true we wouldnt have millions of people locked up right now for possession of marijuana. its already been proven that prison is not a good mean of deterrence

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Somehow my 35 year old, perfectly healthy brother from Chicago was able to drive up to Kenosha WI and get the first jab. I’m happy for him, but just kind of shocked that someone of his age/health could get the vaccine in February! I don’t know if they’re all antivaxers up there or what

Really shocking how badly most countries are absolutely fucking this up, especially after how well they handled the actual pandemic.

I haven’t followed closely, is Canada’s problem distribution or are they super low on doses because they’ve been getting punked because they aren’t a very powerful country?

They aren’t even doing the 70-74 group yet in Vermont.

Only 75+ and workers in nursing homes, health care and first response.

Maryland is open to phases 1A through 1C, but most of the county health departments are only actually giving them to old people because they don’t have enough supply. There are various clinics and retail pharmacies that have appointments that open every now and then and are taken within minutes. Mrs. Catface snagged an appointment this morning at a site that she’s eligible for (as a 1C) but I’m not (as a 1B). It’s all very confusing.

edit: Literally just snagged an appointment myself at Rite Aid. Yay!


Gah, both of my parents are in MD and still struggling to get the vaccine.

So if any of you Chicagoland guys want to get jabbed, I guess look up the Kenosha community health center, sign ups start at 8am Saturday morning. They apparently have more vaccines than people willing to take them, and are accepting anyone. My brother and a few of his friends did it this week, apparently it was a complete breeze, in and out in a few minutes.


It’s an absolute mess. If you want I can PM the links for the various places that are worth refreshing every now and then to look for appointments. I’ve had a few close calls where an appointment opens but by the time I get my info in it has been taken.

Tempted to make this drive from Minneapolis. MN is still in fucking phase 1a

Yea, might be worth it. Road trip! My brother said that last week the appointments were mostly full by Saturday afternoon, so it wasn’t like they filled up instantly. This week might be different though if the cat is outta the bag.

Second Moderna shot is in my arm. The operation at this vaccination center is vastly improved from what was already a good process last month. Capacity is way, way up and the place is booming. Two minutes from parking to being in post shot observation and they are pumping people through non stop.

NJ sucks in a lot of ways, but competent vaccine rollout is definitely not one of them. I am so fucking happy.


UK Waves (2 of)…couple of months ahead of the US so look out for your spike in 21 days…

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CDC’s new guidance is out:

Going from the NPR summary, the most interesting pieces are this:

Schools in areas with substantial transmission (orange, 50-99 new cases per 100,000) may still consider a limited reopening, as long as they can layer multiple safety strategies in the classroom. In hard-hit communities (red, more than 100 new cases per 100,000) elementary schools may consider limited reopening, with physical distancing required, but the CDC recommends middle and high schools be virtual-only unless mitigation strategies can be met.

According to the updated guidance, that 6-foot standard should be considered non-negotiable for K-12 schools where transmission is substantial or high.

This is far more restrictive than prevailing guidelines, obviously. It basically means that virtually no schools should open, as an enormous percentage of counties in the US are above that 100 cases per capita number, and won’t be able to guarantee anywhere close to 6-feet of distance.

Our district here in Ohio is currently hybrid and the Board of Education has been pushing for a return to all-in by mid-March. It’s going to be interesting to see how they respond this new guidance, because a return to all-in is basically saying, “We’re not following the CDC’s recommendations.”


Is there a way that a vaccine can “partially” work? If a vaccine doesn’t make a person completely immune from a virus, can it familiarize the immune system with it so that it fights it off more effectively and leads to a weaker course?

Anyway, poor logistics is leading to a shitload of AstraZeneca vaccines going unused for the last week in the Czech Republic. Another issue is people rejecting it because it’s only 70% effective.

No (covid) vaccine makes anyone 100% immune so, yah, ofc it will ‘familiarize the immune system with it so that it fights it off more effectively and leads to a weaker course’

That’s the only thing the vaccines are proven (in the lab) to do, at this stage

Sounds very similar to my thoughts. Making it dependent on community spread levels and strict compliance is the only properly applied evidence based solution.

So like 9th April 2020 then…