COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I think you’re confusing vaccination immunity with sickness-antibody immunity.

Yea california went half assed. Also zero enforcement doesnt help either.

It’s all words and no enforcement everywhere. Authorities are always afraid that going too hard will piss off right wingers. It’s frustrating they haven’t learned that right wingers will always be pissed off no matter what you do so you might as well go all the way.

In the end they piss off everyone with ineffective half-assed measures and no enforcement.

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Expand? Do you mean confusing efficacy and effectiveness? (because the quote looked solid to me)

I’ll re-jig it…

Just wanted to add/highlight that the CDC rec is applicable if you have been vaccinated within the last three months. They dont know how long immunity (to the new variants gaining dominance) lasts so, to be on the safe side, if you are outside of three months vaccinated the quarantine recommendations still apply. Also if you develop symptoms you should still quarantine (because that means, chances are, you’re still spreading it)…but inlight of no solid evidence otherwise, the CDC will still wing it that you should be OK if vaccinated, contrary to many other governments with higher than 0.3% genomic surveillance rate

Some 30,296 of the 50,888 deaths between January and November were people with a disability, Office for National Statistics (ONS) data shows.

It also suggests the risk of death is three times greater for more severely disabled people.

Charities have called for urgent government action, describing the data as “horrifying and tragic”.

The ONS figures suggest disabled people were disproportionately affected by the pandemic - accounting for 17.2% of the study population but nearly 60% of coronavirus deaths.

Just that dismissive look he gives her is enough for me to want him dead.

Guys like him are more hurt by namecalling than using sentences to tell them how bad they are especially if the namecalling questions their sexuality or masculinity.

I wandered into the 22 poker and Covid containment thread.

Now I need a shower.

I’ll bump the Mask thread too but most of the eyeballs frequent here. Anybody get any good N95 masks recently? I’m about running out and need to replenish, and the ones I got last time were ok but too expensive and still not quite the gold standard of a 3M mask. Links appreciated.

You can sometimes find them in Ace Hardware stores. At least the heavy duty reusable ones.

This might explain why the states haven’t been ramping up that fast. They’ve been told a dead spot in production is coming. I wish they’d just come out and say that.

Sounds like California and LA are finally getting ramped up just in time for shortages. Hopefully they get the J&J vaccine approved soon.

So why no defense production act? Not for just us but the world. They afraid of pissing these companies off? Surely we could just pay them both off without breaking a sweat

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I’m guessing they think everything is running as fast as it can. Biden says enough doses to vaccinate everyone eligible by July. If that happens it’s pretty good.

Biden has employed the Defense Production Act to direct vaccine manufacturing supplies to the drug companies.

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Yeah I was gonna say I thought I heard Biden already did some stuff under the Defense Production Act.

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Everyone said the cupboard was bare after Trump. Sounds like Trump basically handed them all out while saying there was a reserve. I guess making it look like manufacturing was humming along faster than it was.

Fauci saying today that most everyone who wants a vax should start to get them in April. Way different than July, tho either are probably pretty amazing tbh.

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Yeah that’ll be amazing. I was in tier 1C (next one up) in CA - but now they’re totally rethinking everything so who knows.

Watching Aussie Open tennis. They just broke in to note that there is a Victoria State (province?) outbreak of the UK strain spreading faster than the contact tracers can keep up.

So full lockdown. No fans for the next few days. Tennis is a go.

Already some controversy because some of the players flights had passengers test positive and the players on those flights had to stay in their room for two weeks(?) while others could go out five hours a day and you know, practice and condition.

Certainly the raw numbers are probably 100 if not 1,000 fold lower than lolUSA. Imagine a real lockdown here.

The raw number was 13.

For whatever it is worth, the government health experts there had some insight into the high transmissibility of this strain. They said that what they found is they’d reach contacts of positive cases in 48 hours, but by the time they tested those contacts the close contacts of the contacts were already positive as well.

Supermarkets are getting wiped out again. Personally I don’t want to be anywhere near a supermarket so I am glad I have a well stocked pantry/freezer and productive garden.