COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

If immunity only lasts 3 months then the vaccines are pointless right? I get the hyper conservative approach to information from the CDC, but it almost does more harm than good regarding vaccination motivation.


Thatā€™s ridiculous. If immunization only lasts 3 months we might as well all just get covid and get it over with.

Oh darn itā€™s been 100 days since my vaccination, welp back to lockdown for 2 weeks because my coworker down the hall came down with covid.

That simply is not going to happen. The CDC really manages to be useless in all situations.

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Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been saying this whole time!


This. And libs stupid enough to pass a law requiring vaccines are probably going to get assassinated and replaced by Margery Taylor Trumpstains.

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Forcing morons to vaccinate is way down my list of concerns. Getting the people who want vaccines vaccinated before 2022 is #1 on my list.

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Just ventured into the comments on a video of the Tampa Bay Superbowl boat parade that had zero masks. People legitimately hate us ā€œnorthern blue state liberal mask karensā€ for caring about covid. Itā€™s nauseating and so frustrating.

Id expect this guidance to change over time as more data about immunity comes in and more information about effectiveness in the wild and against new variants comes in. Obviously if immunity from vax is only three months we will be in a world of trouble until better vaccines come out, but I dont think that is the case here.

Also agree with the above poster that messaging around this is challenging

Meh the 3 month advice will get extended once there is data.

Itā€™s still terrible from a messaging standpoint.

Floridaā€™s entire political philosophy right now be summed up as anti-California. If California is for it, theyā€™re against it. Rick Scott and Desantis trigger those libs but good.

Iā€™m obviously pro-government containment strategies for Covid but Florida and Californiaā€™s Covid results are pretty similar. Although the conclusion I draw from that is quite different from your average deplorable. Instead of thinking restrictions donā€™t do anything I think the real takeaway is that half measures with zero enforcement are just about as bad as doing nothing at all and we needed more stringent restrictions.

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But if you donā€™t say it and then it is only 3 months?

You are effed no matter what. Tell the truth.

Of course we should be having daily Fauci chats from day 1.

Like has been mentioned on here - regardless of the rhetoric, the real policy seems to be keep the hospitals at full but not overflowing.

I just mean more like fucking Rick Scott and DeSantis. Floridians literally donā€™t give a shit how corrupt those guys are as long as they stick it to the libs.

At least Kansas got sick of Brownback and itā€™s fucked up the Republican party in the state ever since.

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I mean, that should be the message but I dont think government is doing a great job with it so seems like a challenge. Even in this thread there were WTF reactions, now expand that to twitter and a population with some real hesitancy about whether to actually take the vaccine.

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No doubt about it, that is the policy. States are now easing restrictions nearly across the board despite absolute case counts still somewhere near the level of prior peaks, new variants that decimated Europe gaining traction, and tailwinds from vaccine and perhaps weather picking up in the coming weeks. But since there are hospital beds open we get gatherings resuming in Rhode Island, out of state quarantines over in New Mexico, 25% dining and 10% live events capacity in NY, etc, etc. No reason to look to red states for things to lol at. We are 100% going to half ass this ending, question is just whether endemic COVID is an annual bad flu season or something worse

Sitting for 15 minutes of post-vax observation. Not going to lie, got a little emotional. NY mass vaccination site, extremely well run with tons of staff and national guard members all super friendly.

We obviously have tons of problems in the US and around the world, but Iā€™m extremely grateful to be experiencing what may be one of mankindā€™s greatest triumphs, and I hope you can all share the science juice soon.


Perfect. Last sentence possibly superfluous but nails the sentiment.

Doubt this is going to help anything.

Sorry if yā€™all are sick of this but I post it whenever Rick Scott is mentioned