COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Is anyone here actually for mandatory COVID vaccines?

And I’m not talking about “mandatory” like Riverman suggested. In that case, someone could just say, “Fuck you. Take away my ACA subsidy, but I’m not getting vaccinated.”

What I mean is that if you don’t want it, state agents will track you down, restrain you, and inoculate you. If you attempt to resist, they will use as much force as necessary (including deadly force if the agents lives are at risk). Then will then imprison you until you get the second dose. After that you are free to go.

So, anyone backing that policy of truly mandatory vaccination?

If the scientists say it is necessary, then I’m for it. They haven’t, so far.

Well, they’re never going to say “mandatory vaccination” is necessary if that’s what you’re after. Caffeine already explained why. It is just a violation of fundamental principles.

The best you will get that there would be a lot less COVID death and morbidity if literally everyone got vaccinated. I’m sure we could get plenty of scientists to say that right now.

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Why not? I’m sure we can gets some guys with cameras to ride along with the agents and put on a COPS-type show.

a huge part of POC vaccine rejection is that it’s administered by whitey doctors. give it to the communities, let them put their own people in charge.

The coronavirus variant first found in Kent could become the world’s dominant strain, the head of the UK’s genetic surveillance programme has predicted.

Prof Sharon Peacock told the BBC’s Newscast podcast the new variant has “swept the country” and “it’s going to sweep the world, in all probability”.

She said her work sequencing variants of the virus could be required for at least 10 years.

The Kent variant has already been detected in more than 50 countries.

Looks like there won’t be a state of emergency in the Czech Republic anymore.

Basically it means that any changes to current restrictions here will need to be put to a vote. In short, there won’t be many changes because any loosening risks preventing future tightening if another wave comes.

“I have a gluten sensitivity, I can’t get vaccinated”

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Right. We need to resource a real
vaccination program which will take time to be successful.

Mandatory in the sense that if you don’t get one, you aren’t allowed to interact with normal society. You’ll be pretty much forced to stay in your own home, excluded from school, travel, and any sort of gatherings. You know, like I have been for a year.

~100% of vaccine resistance would disappear if there was a misdemeanor-level prison term associated with unexcused refusals. No reason to go out and forcibly vaccinate people.

I’d really caution against this approach in America any time soon. I have as much disdain for the #plandemic antivaxxing Trumpsters as you do, but I think you’d see mandatory laws weaponized in ways that we won’t like. The same worries about who will be hurt by more laws against protests apply here.

We need a full out vaccination program. What we had under Trump was vaccine manufacturing. They are two different things. There are blueprints for building vaccination programs, we will need to do that but it isn’t an overnight effort. Maybe down the road we bring out the stick, but vaccine passport talk and mandatory vax talk is counterproductive to the goal of getting vaccination uptake at this point.

Asthma sufferers have called for clarity from government over “confusion” about whether they will be prioritised for the Covid vaccine.

It has confirmed the most severe cases who have been advised to shield will be prioritised for jab by 15 February.

And younger people requiring “repeated or continuous” use of oral steroids or with previous hospital admissions will be vaccinated ahead of their peers.

The NHS defined non-severe asthmatics as being at “moderate risk” from Covid.

Asthma UK previously said it understood anyone using a steroid inhaler would be prioritised for a vaccine.

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Yah I’m being hyperbolic here and wouldn’t really push for rounding up all the morons and putting them in reeducation camps (or would I?). The only real answer is spending a ton of money on awareness campaigns once everyone who wants a vaccine has free access to it, with some nudges in the right direction probably targeted at schools/travel.

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That absolutely is forcibly vaccinating people

“Updated quarantine recommendations for vaccinated persons. Fully vaccinated persons who meet criteria will no longer be required to quarantine following an exposure to someone with COVID-19. Additional considerations for patients and residents in healthcare settings are provided.”

This basically means that transmission once fully vaccinated is incredibly low right? The messaging is a little back and forth regarding post vaccination responsibility.

It’s certainly compulsory and involuntary, but I think it’s useful to draw a distinction between a law that requires someone to do something or else be punished vs. forcing them to do the thing. You pay your taxes under ultimate threat of going to jail, but we don’t normally think of taxes as forcible confiscation. If you refuse to get drafted, you go to jail, you don’t get dragged off to war kicking and screaming. I’d agree there’s ultimately a continuum, and a sufficiently terrible threat is basically the same as direct force, but that doesn’t mean you can’t usefully distinguish (relatively) mild punishments from Melkerson’s idea of having the Vaccine Squad taking doors and strapping people to gurneys to give them their shots.

I’m sure he can speak for himself, but I take Caffeine’s points to be about what medical professionals would consider to be a violation of their oaths. Obviously doctors refuse to take part in lethal injections while I’m sure politically just as many doctors support the death penalty as any other section of the professional classes.

(Obviously I’m not suggesting prison sentences for antivaxxers are the same as executions, just trying to illustrate that a medical boycott could exist regardless of legality or political opinion about the laws.)

Just wanted to add/highlight that the CDC rec is applicable if you have been vaccinated within the last three months. They dont know how long immunity lasts so, to be on the safe side, if you are outside of three months vaccinated the quarantine recommendations still apply. Also if you develop symptoms you should still quarantine.