COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I worked with an engineer in Italy that lived and often worked in France. He said it was common at a plant in France that the workers would like the manager in his office and then negotiate his “release”.

He didn’t seem to be a tall tale teller but I have no direct info.

Man fuck Scott Atlas so hard. Stupid fuckass should be reading my scans. He’s right about one thing though, politicization of the pandemic did hurt the USA. He was one of the main mouthpieces for it


I can believe that. My point is that it’s much wider and that things like that are a reflection of much deeper agreements about politics in general that allow them to take place. As a simple illustration France has a lower union membership (8%) than even most other western European nations. Its style of industrial action is far more a reflection of society and what’s possible than a particular cause.

This is nothing against collectivisation and direct action by workers, obviously. Just the way French flair in striking is talked about on the internet can rub me up the wrong way. It probably shouldn’t though as who cares.


Been covering that for everyone brah


That said, I’m in America until New Years. I periodically check idnes and novinky but not much more now

Lol america absolute shithole country





DeSantis is looking at the numbers recognizing that POC and poor people are killed at a higher rate, thinking that it increases his chances of getting reelected.

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RZ has exhalation valve caps they sell separately now.


I have not seen the study or anything so can’t vouch for the accuracy but I just heard on the radio that Oklahoma teachers have contracted Covid at a rate more than twice that of the general population.

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Not to worry I’m sure someone will be along to explain to us how this is fake news anyhow.


It would not be surprising. There was a similar finding among teachers in the Czech Republic before the second wave closed schools.

With more precautions in place, it has been less of an issue since then.

The state of Ohio keeps track of reported cases by school district, for both students and faculty/staff.

As of their most recent report (12/17), they reported the following for my school district:
111 cumulative staff cases
305 cumulative student cases

The overall staff population is 2,000, so that’s a cumulative case rate for faculty/staff of 5.55%.

By comparison, here’s the rate of new cases for both Ohio and Franklin County:

Our local district has been experiencing higher community spread than Franklin County overall, but I don’t have the data to calculate exactly what it is. In any event, the faculty/staff in our district are experiencing a higher rate of cases than overall state and county, while kids are experiencing a lower rate than overall state and county.

Not sure what to do with that information.


And the gold medal in mental gymnastics goes to…

They sell covers for the ports. Seems the same as wearing cloth masks.

I’m not sure how good ports covers are tbh. I’ll make you switch out into a medical mask if you come in with that on though 100%

Here even in the ER they only require a cloth mask. I was the oddball for wearing my N95. But if the port covers are not that good ill use my cloth over it.

Seems like reporting rising deaths instead of cases doesn’t really paint the current picture. Oregon and NY both have new cases trending down, and hospitalizations look to have peaked, too. Deaths may rise for a little longer, but they’re going in the right direction. CA, TX, FL are all fucked, as they’re still climbing in new cases.

This seems right. So far, fingers crossed, I don’t think the Thanksgiving holiday is leading to the explosion of cases and deaths that we were worried about. My forward-looking estimate of deaths (most recent 7-day average cases multiplied by most recent estimated CFR) suggests that things aren’t rising nearly as much as expected. (It’s a little hard to judge because the Thanksgiving holiday dorked up reporting):

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I think this is what you’re looking for. Youyang Gu does a good job modeling infections and tracking vaccinations to project the path to herd immunity.

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