COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

If im not doing a lot of physical work ill use it and it does not bother me. But im also not wearing it all day like CaffeineNeeded which id imagine would hurt.

Was thinking about ordering this since it does not look like things are going to get better for awhile.

I bought a couple of the RZ masks. Comfortable and can be worn at length without discomfort.

That is good to know. What size did you get i figured id get a medium?

Got a large at first, but then bought an xlarge and it fits my fat head much better.

Wonder what would of happened if America was smart and everyone used something like those from the start.

I think i have a normal headā€¦but maybe ill get the large instead.

Scientists are urgently investigating hints the new variant of coronavirus spreads more easily in children.

If proven, this could account for ā€œa significant proportionā€ of the increase in transmission, they say.

The claim comes from members of the governmentā€™s New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats advisory group (Nervtag).

Children almost universally shrug off the virus, but the variant could alter the role they, and schools, play in spreading the virus.

Earlier strains of coronavirus found it harder to infect children than adults.

Prof Wendy Barclay, from Nervtag and Imperial College London, said the mutations to the virus appeared to be making it easier to walk through the doorways that were there.

She said this could be putting children on a ā€œmore level playing fieldā€ with adults as the virus was ā€œless inhibitedā€ in children.

The important thing is to get FFP3 not 2 imo.

The ones we use are N97s.

Same but I have a big beard so the N95 fit would suck

Hints at is usually code for we donā€™t have the data. The article also contradicts itself with the talk about how kids donā€™t get it as easily with talk about their rates being the same as adults.

WHO reported vaccine should still work today, which is really the thing that actually matters the most here.

Apparently the Journal failed to learn from running Mike Penceā€™s ā€œNo Second Waveā€ op-ed in June. So hereā€™e Scott Atlas for you:

Lol, fuck yooooooooooou WSJ

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When I feel I need more protection, I use those with a surgical mask over the exhalation vents to protect others. But for most of the summer, I just used a surgical mask.

Probably going to break out my RZā€™s for more regular use again.


Appreciate the response. I realize diagnosing with crappy information filtered through multiple people is impossible.

Im not that knowledgeable about disease and how the body responds but having a current fever caused by an infection months earlier seemed weird to me. I will stress to her the importance of seeing a normal doctor now and addressing the chronic problems and not just waiting for another emergency.


If anyone is jonesing for some COVID updates from the Czech Republic, just hit me up. :slight_smile:


Ya but we are used to it and half the country is functionally illiterate so here we are.

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This probably isnā€™t true. People have tried general strikes a few times in very recent years and while thereā€™s been decent participation itā€™s not even approached close to a general strike, and 96% is probably massive hyperbole even in one. And the last time was a reform of the pension system that is generally hated by everyone (and now more-or-less abandoned), so itā€™s not as if the issues werenā€™t emotive or wide enough.

The real reason is that French society and politicians are still pretty unanimous on the need to have government help people to survive at this point (even if the detail is still argued over and itā€™s certainly not the case that everyone is skating by here on easy street.). It isnā€™t an issue thatā€™s controversial, so what French people would do if the government gave up on that scale isnā€™t really answerable.

That said, you should all strike, just it might take a hell of a lot more than that. And thatā€™s just to be about as good as France!


Please donā€™t get masks with exhalation ports