COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

So you’re saying that the office can’t say that 100% of our staff has been vaccinated, if that is true.

It’s definitely not impossible, because they could just get authorization from each employee to be allowed to divulge this fact. But I’m not even sure they need that. Once again, it depends on the circumstances of the vaccination.

  1. They could ask you to voluntarily authorize a release for that information. At least I think that is possible. Maybe it isn’t for some reason.

  2. I don’t think Suzzer is expecting “John and Amy are vaccinated, but Bill and Suzy aren’t”. I doubt revealing percentage of staff vaccinated violates any laws. If it does, which one do you have in mind?

Also it depends on who tells. If employee health (or someone who has privileged access to the information) tells, then the hospital has a problem. If you mention it to a receptionist or post it on your facebook page and then they tell a patient, hospital should be fine. They can’t be sued for keeping a secret you didn’t keep yourself.

As an aside, if the receptionist says that you got vaccinated, but you were lying on your facebook page, then the hospital could very possibly get in trouble for that.

You need to ask without asking.

Very reasonable to say that you are very concerned about covid and ask what their protocols are. This is a question they will be very prepared to answer (and if they aren’t, you can stop there). Then mention that you haven’t been lucky enough to score a vaccine yet, but hey you guys probably have since you are healthcare heroes. Ez breezy.

I actually went to the dentist last week. The two people I encountered were vaccinated. Hygienist 1/2 and dentist 2/2.

Kagan’s dissent has some hot fire in it


It’s not likely you’d go to a lawsuit. You’d file a HIPAA complaint and maybe they’d get fined. You are right that it’s protected info though… I think.

I’m pretty sure it would only be a HIPAA violation if someone said with access to his records said “Will is not vaccinated”. I don’t think “50% of our employees are vaccinated” or “100% of our employees are vaccinated” would be a HIPAA violation. That’s the info that (I assume) Suzzer was interested in.

I could see how a covered entity might not be allowed to say either 100% or 0% of a pool of employees have been vaccinated, since doing so would disclose a given employee’s vaxx status.

Yeah, and in my city they closed two stores because of mandated $4/hr hero pay.

This. Replying “HIPPA” is just sending business away.

I guess trickier if you coerce your employees to get their OK or just don’t get their consent to share their vax status.

This might be controversial but I have no idea why someones vaccination status should be secret. This is a global pandemic. It should be tracked and if you refuse to get vaccinated you should absolutely be denied access to regular society.


The real question for the dentist is do they allow you spit? Ours does not, and I will not be going until they do. I think it’s a proxy for “is everyone vaccinated?”

I guess you’re right about that.

Again, it depends on how/who reveals. If it is someone with access to confidential information who reveals it, there there is a problem. If everyone posts in on their facebook, it likely eliminates the HIPAA violation.

Here’s one thing I know is kosher as I’ve heard it before: “Our facility has mandatory flu vaccination policy”. If questioned further they would state “Everyone must get the vaccine unless there is a medical or religious reason they cannot get one”. That is as far as you get, though.

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Also this. In fact after my recent dentist experience I’d bet that if I called my dentist’s office they would tell me everyone was vaccinated. Maybe I’ll have my wife do it next week, since she is thinking about making an appt but doesn’t have an urgent need to go.

Seriously. If I’m looking to hire a dental assistant - I should be able to ask if they’ve been vaccinated.

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Employers can definitely ask this. And in health care they all have various vaccination policies which involve the employee providing proof of vaccination. What they can’t do is reveal those records to someone else.

But if you’re walking around with an “I got vaccinated” sticker, I don’t think there is anything illegal about them revealing that to anyone who asks.

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Just got my second jab, on overtime today because literally 1/3 of today’s shift called in. A bunch of them got their second dose yesterday :thinking:


Eh, it is way to early in the vaccination program for that.

If the dentist’s office is wearing good PPE, and they’re taking other precautions, going to the dentist is pretty safe even if not everyone working there is vaccinated. My brother is a dentist, and the only case he’s had in his office, patient or employee, is an employee who got it at a house party (Thanksgiving gathering, IIRC, and who thankfully was tested before bringing it to work). Oral health is very important. I’d make it a priority to get checked out.