COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Idiots out wandering around indeed.


Did you personally PM me and tell me to read his blog? No.

I canā€™t even look at you right now.

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Google turns up a bunch of definitions for Shtetl.

I think USA#1 just might have one more big wave in us!

Well, iirc there ended up being factions and one side wanted him CANCELED for something related to the NY Times thing or whatever.

i meant the Shtetl Optimized blog, which is the first suggestion for me

Oh gotcha.

Ofc usa#132 has one more surge left in us.

This is weak tea, but at least itā€™s something.

Sounds promising. Small incentives can often be surprisingly effective.

Or there are a fuckton of eligible people who just donā€™t want to get vaccinated which allows them to plow through the wait list.

Yeah assuming that works it puts peopleā€™s priorities in perspective.

ā€œIā€™m no so sure about this vaccine. I could get autism.ā€

ā€œBut youā€™d be doing your part to save lives.ā€

ā€œEh, Iā€™m still not sure.ā€

ā€œHow about $100?ā€


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Iā€™m starting to get a sensitive tooth that might be a cavity. Obviously Iā€™ve avoided the dentist during covid. Iā€™d really like to find a tactful way to call up and ask if everyone whoā€™s going to work on me has been vaccinated.

It makes me wonder how many times and what weird ways is something like this going to play out? A dental office that advertises 100% vaccinated gets my business over my current one if they canā€™t guarantee that. Fuck loyalty.

Donā€™t call and ask if they have been vaccinated. They couldnā€™t legally tell you even if they knew. Ask if all staff wears N95s or better while they are in the room with you, if yes go for it.

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IANAL, but I donā€™t see why itā€™s illegal for someone to tell you theyā€™ve been vaccinated.

Sure would be nice if we could make that a selling point for businesses.

I guess suzzer can stalk the dentist office and ask everyone who works there if s/he has been vaccinated, but the office manager he will talk to canā€™t tell him about the staffs vaccinations.

Yeah, I doubt this is true.

But I suppose it depends on how the vaccine was administered. If the employer administered the vaccine through some employee health program, there may be some HIPAA issue. On the other hand, if the hygienist went to Publix to get vaccinated, and then told the rest of her office, then I donā€™t think there is anything that bars the employer from revealing that fact to Suzzer.

Just think of the dental office staff as being like a herd of deer. Theyā€™re probably more afraid of you than you are of them.


:man_shrugging:. If my hospital started telling patients about my vaccine record they would get sued, and they would lose. Even though most of my vaccines were gotten someplace else.