COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Thanks for the input all. I’ll have to see if my wife will be able to wear a N95 over that long of a time, since we’re probably talking 6-7 hours door to door. I do actually not feel totally as panicked about this trip (I’ve known about it for several months now), and suspect I’ll probably have a trickier time dodging the 'rona at my destination rather than in the air.

I had to fly late last spring and used an RZ mask with a surgical mask over the exhalation valves. More comfortable than an N95. (But I’m not sure if that would still be allowed.)

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Airlines haven’t been totally safe from what I’ve seen, but they certainly haven’t been major vectors of disease spread (unless you count secondary effects where people fly to see family for Christmas and get pozzed there, even though the flight itself didn’t do anything to them).

I would definitely eat a big meal before going so I don’t have to eat on the trip, and I’d pack some disposable straws for drinking water from a bottle behind a mask, since that’s just too long for most people to go without water.

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Looks like the Czech Republic will be moving onto its fourth Minister of Health since the pandemic began.

The level of incompetence is truly amazing. I envy what America is like now.

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The main problem in New York recently has been a shortage of first doses. Most of the available supply is reserved for second doses, but a lot of that can’t be used yet because many of the first dose recipients are still waiting for three or four weeks after their first shot.

Maybe this will help. I haven’t been to a vaccination center. But if I did I bet I could spot about 100 inefficiencies in the system. Normal healthcare procedures just aren’t designed to work fast, starting with - here sit down and fill out this 3 page form that you could have easily done online.

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french laundry to open a pop-up in the middle of chinatown, in the space vacated by an asian restaurant, and hosting governor’s dinners would be a fitting development

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A buger-diner place by me has a big sign that says “French Laundry Patio Dining”.

Don’t know about other states, but the drive thru vaccination centers in NH run by the National Guard (or at least staffed by them) are having people fill out the forms online. (Same as for testing.) I think our issue is lack of enough vaccine.


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  1. N95 + surgical mask over it from when I leave my house to when I arrive at where I’m staying. Doesn’t come off for anything. Don’t eat, don’t drink. Don’t worry, you’re not going to die. I’m not a face shield fan, so I’d go with goggles personally. I have some I wear for sports that I’d use if I had to get on a plane.

  2. Plan trip so that there is as little waiting in airport as possible. This is helpful for masking comfort as well.

  3. As far as comfort on the plane just sleep through the whole thing. I’m an elite sleeper so I can fall asleep in just about any conditions, but if you needs some meds to help you do it, then get some. It will make the masking much less of an issue.

That’s it. It’s pretty draconian, but failing that, just get as close to that as possible. If vaccinated and enough time has passed, I’d probably still do the same thing, because I don’t think it’s that big a deal. But you can probably loosen up a bit. Maybe just surgical mask and no eye protection.

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I don’t freak out about lack of vaccine. I freak out about empty vaccination sites with plenty of vaccine.

Also I wouldn’t be surprised if states are being way too cautious about holding back 2nd doses.

I’ve been saying this for over a month and I’m sure there are plenty of others here who have as well.

The one curious thing is “no appointments available” on the website, but also no one showing up. So either the appointment making mechanism is fucked up or there are a lot of people not showing up. Both are problems that have solutions that can mitigate them, but you’ve got to figure out which one of them it is first. I’m sure plenty of these local health depts that are running the show are doing a shitty job of diagnosing the problem.

Ty. I did trick the wife into a “flying in the front of the plane is safer” gambit. Will get some N95 and see if the hype is real vis a vis how uncomfortable they are.

When people say that wearing a regular mask “well” is better than wearing a N95 poorly - does that just mean you’ll end up taking the mask off because it hurts your face parts? Or like, you’ll end up futzing with it a bunch and touching it and stuff?

I think I’d err on the side of being too cautious about holding back enough for second doses rather than not cautious enough.

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Assuming it’s properly fitted, then the problem is just with you manipulating it. If we stuck a properly fitted n95 on your face and put you in handcuffs it would be more effective than a surgical mask.

But assuming it’s properly fitted is not something you can do. Some people don’t have the right size or do not put it on properly so there is a good seal.

I’d personally go the other way. But I’ll admit that taking that view involves making some assumptions about vaccine effectiveness which are (in my opinion) very reasonable, but not fully proven.

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If you can find these they are by far the most comfortable n95 I’ve used. I have zero trouble wearing them for a full 12 hour shift.


Sure. But we are literally booked out months for the vaccine appointments in NH. Maybe if other states don’t have enough people that want the vaccine that is available in that state, it should be shipped to places where 80 year old folks and people with medical conditions that actually want it cannot get it for months?


Regardless of vax status I’m wearing at a minimum a combo KN95 and large cloth mask.