COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

You’re being dishonest now

Can you cite please? All of these numbers.

Coronavac’s results in Brazil generated controversy after Butantan offered some additional information on the efficacy of the vaccine, in effect lowering an announced efficacy rate of 78% down to a little more than 50% on all cases. Despite lower efficacy, the vaccine topped the required 50% efficacy recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Pfizer and BioNTech scientists have already reported their vaccine holds up against B.1.1.7, though they have not reported data yet against B.1.351. But researchers have been more concerned about B.1.351 because it contains a different set of mutations that, at least in lab experiments, had already helped the virus evade some of the immune protection generated in people who had an initial Covid-19 case.

Some of those same mutations of concern also appear in a different variant first seen in Brazil, called P.1.

ok you made it seem like this was a variant issue. Your citation doesn’t support that, but tbf your post didn’t directly say that if that’s what you meant.

The Pfizer stuff has no data behind it either, so I’m wondering what you’re talking about… again.

Outstanding as good? Is this sarcasm?

I struggled to make it through a few paragraphs of that horseshit. Fauci was openly critical of the president multiple times, and the idea that he presented a government “that science and facts were safe from political contamination” is utter horseshit.

The article is a troll piece.


Well, obviously the quotes aren’t literal quotes, they’re embellishments.

And for the record, the statistic is, as far as I can tell, false. Through last week, the CDC reports 201 deaths of people aged 18 or less whose race is known, and 138 of them, or 68.7%, were black, Latino, or indigenous. If you focus on school-aged children, the ratio is 98/139, or 70.5%.

I don’t see any reason to change what I’ve said. You don’t seem to be participating in good faith right now. Assuming you’re right, saying no it’s 70.8% changes nothing.

Confirmed pozzed as of yesterday, both me and the kiddo. Breathing is ok for both of us so far. I’ve not been running a fever but hers has been slightly elevated at times. My brain is complete mush. You know that feeling when you’re trying to have a semi-serious conversation with someone but you’ve had a few beers and keep forgetting what you were talking about? It’s like that. I was supposed to start grad school Monday but now it seems pointless. Head is congested. Taste and smell are mostly gone for both of us. I assume we smell like ass. Gonna go grab another shower here in a minute out of paranoia. My GF is dropping off vitamins and an O2 finger thingy later so I can check that. Apparently it’s important.



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The marketing plan hinged on inoculating local celebrities like rapper Meek Mill, a Philadelphia native, in order to attract his fan base.

“This is a wholly Elon Musk, shooting-for-the-heavens type of thing,” Doroshin said. “We’re gonna have a preemptive strike on vaccines and basically beat everybody in Philadelphia to it.”

“We’re engineers, we’re scientists, computer scientists, we’re cybersecurity nerds. We think a little differently than people in health care do.”

“We took the entire model and just threw it out the window,” Doroshin added. “We said to hell with all of that. We’re going to completely build on a new model that is based on a factory.”

LOL - we know a lot about one thing so we know a lot about everything.

After that first vaccine event, at which 2,500 doses were administered, City Council President Darrell Clarke requested the demographic breakdown of the recipients. But the health department told him that Philly Fighting Covid had somehow lost all of the racial and ethnic data for the patients. The group was blaming “a glitch” in the Amazon cloud.

And don’t even know about the one thing they’re supposed to know about.


This is the shit that doesn’t need oxygen.
It’ll just feed multitudes more idiots to go anti-vaxx.

A few posters already warned a long while ago that simply due to variance (esp w old people), a home would get vaccinated and then an abnormally looking high no would contract and/or die from COVID. And the shitty media would of course pump those outlier stories full of oxygen, so their “sensational” (but really totally humdrum and virtually guaranteed at some point in space and time) story gets clicks. It’d be actually sensational news if there weren’t outliers.

As poker players might say: Yeah, but how many did you not lose?


Sorry about the pozz!

Symptoms sound identical to my sis a couple of months ago. She’s a doctor, early 50s, very healthy and active. Mainly a couple of dragged out wks of fatigue & mushy brain then ok. Lost smell/taste, but they slowly came back.

Says she’ totally ok now.
Hope it goes similar or better for you.


I actually read an article about doctors recommending that the AstraZeneca vaccine not be given to people over 65.

And it wasn’t on some fake news bullshit. It was on CNN’s website.

that’s very different than what this guy is talking about. Looks like he’s the type that’s surprised people in nursing homes still die after getting a covid vaccine in general. The over 65 stuff is not about danger. It’s about effectiveness.

There’s nothing to suggest that the vaccines will only be 10% effective against these new strains, no one is saying anything like that. There’s really not enough evolutionary pressure on it yet for something like that.

It is even more of a non story because he is asymptomatic, just tested positive.

I read the entire article and agree with your assessment.


My daughter is now back to 100% based on her opinion, energy level, and her appearance to us. She never had a fever or cough and her 02 never dropped below 100%.

I feel fine now and my wife still feels 100%.

Anyone know how long a person with a mild case that appears to be 100% back to normal might still be contagious for? I’m guessing if she’s shedding virus, it’s “dead” virus, but I’m also not very smart.

I may end up banned from the forum if our quarantining from each other has to continue for much longer.