COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Not any human, but you specifically. You certainly smarter than the average human.

Also not instantly, but certainly within a minute. And that’s being very generous.

I suppose I’m shouting into the void here, but apologies if these opinions are offensive to you.

Lots of luck with the “we vaccinated our most vulnerable, so sit tight and “lockdown” for a year while we vaccinate Africa” message. Biden would face an impeachment trial. The only way that would be even close to possible politically would be in conjunction with YOLO reopening in the interim.

Highlighting current inequalities, the WHO’s head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said more than 39 million doses had been administered in at least 49 higher-income countries, but only 25 in one of the lowest-income countries.

How much have countries donated?

So far, Covax has raised $6bn, but the scheme says it needs at least another $2bn more to meet its global vaccination target for 2021.

The UK government has provided $734m (£548m) and the US pledged $4bn (£2.93bn) in December.

One of President Biden’s first acts in office was to sign up the US to Covax.

Even so, the US and some of the wealthier Covax participants have been accused of stockpiling vaccines for themselves.

@MrWookie @CaffeineNeeded ?


I don’t see a moral benefit to you taking up 2 vaccines

Yeah, I’ve posted about this already. I’d only get the second after the vaccine is widely available to everyone with minimal hassle.

Not going to stick out my neck for every salivary test, but there are certainly some that are totally legit.

If you’re talking ‘everyone in the world’ then you’ll probably be needing another vaccination by then because variants

If you’re talking ‘everyone in the US’ then you’ll probably be needing another vaccination by then because variants

Agree with following caveats

If I got vaccine A and then found out that there lots of cases still to mutant ineffectiveness then I’d get a different one ASAP.

If my livelihood required a lot of exposure (it may for for air travel to support clients).

But not for convenience until it was plentiful.

No I just meant if my local Walgreens has plenty of vaccine to give and no wait, then I’d think about getting a second one. Those doses aren’t getting to Africa. I realize there still is probably an attenuated moral argument to be made even in that case, but I suppose I’m OK with that level of moral transgression.

Variants change things, but I’d likely act the same in a hypothetical world without variants.

It’s hard to know for sure without measuring, but my hypothesis would be getting 2 vaccines would not protect you any more than the better of the two, or maybe only a little more, on average. From an ethical standpoint, it seems exceptionally greedy to get a second one before literally everyone else on the planet has had an opportunity to get one.

I think some thinking could be done about getting J&J now vs. an mRNA vaccine X weeks later, what value of X is correct depending on your risk profile. I’m not really sure where that line should fall.

There is no existing vaccine that has been shown to be ineffective against any known variant. Even among the most concerned people, the fears have been, like, going from 95% effectiveness to 65% effectiveness. That’s still a really effective vaccine!

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I’m not on a save Africa campaign.

I believe the over 65’s make a low percentage of vaccinated US citizens to date and would expect deaths to continue way longer than a country that was more strict about it’s distribution (I keep forgetting this is down to states so probably not as valid).

Kinda strange that a state would find itself in a position where it didn’t know who’d already been vaccinated (no real records). There must already be US citizens on their third jab.

I get the above. Just some in the thread trying to split hairs between 80% and 94.5% when it’s probably a tad late to be calculating your post-vaccination protection to the nearest 5%. Indeed some ITT wondering if peeps with a lower efficacy vaccination (efficacy tested pre variant) would grant them a higher vaccine passport than the poor guy with the 80% efficacy vac - lols

The following can also be said… ‘there is no current vaccine manufacturer that has yet reported efficacy against the Brazillian P1 variant, despite reporting ‘drops in efficacy’ against other already known and named variants’ and ‘every country is suddently closing borders with Brazil’ through “fear of being back to square one with covid”… it’s probably not conspiracy theory to believe Brazil P1 might lower efficacy enough, in a vaccine like Oxford, in the +65yrs age group (already low) to make 90% of the population require vaccination before herd immunity is reached.

I’ve had two dreams in the last week that I got the vaccine. We live in a dystopia.

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What’s sad is that I made the same comment in another setting, got the same response, and your response is probably right!

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Churchill posts an actual study with numbers and stuff showing that teachers have a much lower death rate.

“I can’t believe they didn’t control on a county-by-county level for the in-person classroom hours worked by teachers!”

@justiceaudre posts a vaguely specified and completely unsubstantiated statistic

“Clearly significant, likely causal, and I’m pretty sure I know the mechanism–turns out I was right all along!”

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There’s no data to support this.


No data publicly available but sight of such study data has been confirmed ITT although that would be ‘early data’ not available for public consumption… for some reason.

Studies are on going in Brazil. For example the Sputnik (I think, or Sinovac) vaccine Brazil is using was advertised as ~80% efficacy but only appears to be ~50% effective in Brazil.

The vaccinated may just have to dodge a combo of the variants, hence countries worldwide trying to limit the entry of multiple variants.