COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Get ready for an avalanche of articles and social media bs that doesn’t understand what 66% means. 66% is less than 95%! This vaccine sucks LDO. Common sense.


“Its only 66% effective!?!? What a joke, I’m sticking with my echinacea tea, thank you very much!”

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Already seeing it among some FB peeps. “66%? So basically shit, huh??”

Honestly reporting so widely on effectiveness as a percentage is journalistic malpractice. Is any other medical treatment reported this way?

That was my reaction too, and while I’m no genius I’m hopefully not the biggest dumdum.

I think they also are looking at a two shot scenario for J&J but that data will take longer???

What if you add Kurt Angle to the mix?


I don’t wanna re-hash this either and I’m certainly not going to tell you how to parent. Just relaying what I read. I think you’re a great responsible parent, but if I did have a kid, I wouldn’t be near as strict/protective unless you have someone elderly living with you or you and/or wife are compromised. I’ve conceded that containing the spread is the biggest issue for those who are at higher risk. I wear my mask at the gym every day now. As long as kids (and people like myself) stay away from those people I still don’t see what the problem is. Of course, then you have teachers and everyone they come in contact with, etc.

The article did say “in schools that were following proper guidelines”. I also assume this is in more affluent areas where they have the resources to do so.

Maybe you’re not the best person to be giving unsolicited Covid parenting advice.


I’m assuming the jab doesn’t go very deep, since I literally couldn’t feel the Guardsman injecting me. I only knew for certain when I saw a spot of blood afterwards.

I heard it was 66.6%!

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Didn’t mean to give advice. It’s a wicked virus to be sure, but I still maintain that people are overly freaked out and should look at the actual numbers. Most healthy people come out fine. It’s the elderly and compromised we need to worry about. Nothing to do with Johnny, but you really think parents who take their kids to the park and let them play long toss with other kids are BAD parents?! What’s the alternative? Keeping a child locked in a house for the better part of a year, so they don’t get a virus that they’re almost 100% to survive just fine? That seems insane to me

How does 66% effectiveness compare to previous vaccines (polio, MMR etc)?

A sad side note. A friend of ours grandmother passed away from covid last week. She lived with her son who had to work. Our friend hadn’t seen her grandmother in almost a year because she didn’t want to infect her. Now she wishes she had. She literally said me not seeing her didn’t do shit for her. People here will be shocked to hear my analogy that if she had been killed by a drunk driver, it doesn’t mean she (our friend) should drink and drive. Our friend did the right thing by staying away from her. But the point is, she feels awful and you can do everything right and still succumb to the virus and lose a loved one


Some pressure and a bandaid and you should be fine

Just adding more data and good news to the thread. I got my second Moderna shot yesterday and woke up at 2am with a fever/aches/chills and a ~120 pulse that kept me awake the rest of the night. Nothing to be afraid of, really, and I just spent most of the night thinking GIVE ME THOSE SWEET ANTIBODIES. Those of you smarter and more proactive than I would probably benefit from taking some Tylenol. I did not have a similar reaction to the first shot.

My pregnant wife (speech therapist who works with high-risk populations) will get her second shot next week. I sort of hate making these updates since I know it’s a massive privilege, but I’ll be very grateful when my partner and unborn daughter are safe .


Lay off the weights man.

can the gov just force JJ to manufacture the MRN vaccine instead of their own?

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Checked my stonks and saw my Novavax shares were up 65% today so I assume my vaccine is 65% effective?


You’re a smart and very thoughtful person, but seem overly pessimistic about things sometimes. Trump lied over and over about turning the corner, but I think that might actually be true now. Your grandmother should be high on the priority list for vaccinations and should be receiving one soon. If they hit their goal, we should achieve herd immunity within next few months or at least by end of summer. I’m hopeful that you WILL see your grandmother again! :crossed_fingers: