COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Well I can’t read it so mebbe ?

That poor nurse in Egypt who had to watch all her patients die when the oxygen ran out, slumped on the floor in shock, is going to stay with me forever.

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I needed a root canal somewhat urgently once (not due to trauma, just shitty teeth). They put me on antibiotics between the time they diagnosed the problem and the time I got the root canal. IIRC, I did have an active infection, though.

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2nd shot done. We’ll see if this time I have a reaction.


You didn’t have a reaction after the first shot? I didn’t have ANY reaction at all and after a joke by the gf who has been miserable after both injections, I’ve half convinced myself the tech fake injected me.

Czech Republic is trying to create more restrictions on movement in order to further flatten the curve. This include not allowing for hotel accommodation at business trips and restricting people from travelling no more than 15 km from their home. This is because people here are going to the mountains and meeting there mask-free with no social distancing. Aside from immediate family, people will be unable to meet each other at all (current maximum gathering is 2 people). They’re also looking at lowering the curfew from where it is now (9:00 pm) to 8:00 pm.

While we’re currently at our highest level of restriction according to the government, these restrictions are simply not enough to improve the covid situation any further. Pretty much everything has been at a plateau for the last two weeks and there are no signs of improvement in the near future without additional changes.

You almost got it, imo. The ending we deserve would be for the rest of society to blame science for the failure causing massive backlash against science and resulting in us falling into a second Dark Age.


Heard this afternoon when coming back from a mandatory appointment:

Middle aged woman 1: “It’s just so depressing”.
Middle aged woman 2: “Yes I know, its difficult isn’t it?”
Middle aged woman 1: “I mean, do you actually know ANYONE who’s had it?”


This is a nice accessible description of the mRNA vaccine 2 dose regime and timing.

Its hard to imagine getting back on a rush hour subway in cold and flu season without a mask and better hand hygiene.

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Luckily I’ve no need to be doing that any more, but when I see TV or films made before lockdown for a split second I often do a double take on people cuddling or kissing in public.

It’s been an eye opener on how quickly most of us have adapted.

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LOL yes! Or whenever I see someone talking in someone’s face. Covid has invaded all of my screenic experiences.

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Good luck trying to convince Alabama, Clemson, et al to stop their cash cow college football programs while the NFL carries on

Well, there’s a lot more to CFB than elite tier football programs. Those are breakeven at best. They still played.

I think I read that schools k-12 are safer and have less spread impact than previously thought. Sports itself isn’t the problem if everyone is testing negative. It’s what they do off the field that’s the problem

My Canticle for Leibowitz fandom is finally going to pay off!

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I’ve argued extensively that responsibility comes from the top down. In American, now that the Biden administration has taken over, I think we’re going to see a flattening of the curve and eventually a favorable downturn fairly soon. It really does make a difference when those in charge follow the science, institute the right procedures, and lead by example. We might have some dark weeks ahead, but I’m hopeful after that, the worst will be behind us

Any benefit to choosing one vaccine over another if I get the choice? Only difference I know is the time between shot 1 and 2.

whatever one gets into your arm first

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