COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Parents got second dose on schedule today. Aunt and uncle did yesterday. For as big of a clown as Desantis is, there seem to be things going right with Florida’s rollout. Sample size of 4, though.


Warm up the Contagious tag boys and girls. Got the test today. Waiting on results. Of course it will be 2-3 days minimum because I foolishly did not choose a career in professional sports. The woman working the window at CVS said “up to” five days. I Feel feverish but don’t have a fever though it’s entirely possible that my digital thermometer is broken. The last temp I took read 95.9 which just seems totally wrong. I just feel blah but no other overt symptoms. Nose is intermittently runny. Taste and smell are there, slightly off but about what you’d expect from a cold. It could just be that I guess those are still a thing. I went to the dentist last week for a cleaning so could have picked it up there though I still go into the office every day so who the hell knows? I took some advil and vitamin C and an allergy pill and flinstones vitamin a couple hours ago and symptoms are mostly in check, just feel a little clammy atm (though I’m doing laundry at it’s 73 degrees out so that’s understandable I guess)


I went to Kaiser to get a prescription today (for my daughter who broke her two front teeth rollerblading - for antibiotics because that I guess is like an auto-infection and the root canal is Friday), but anyway, there was a tent outside for “respiratory triage”. That’s not great.

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We had to bring our daughter for a test today. She is tired and weak, but no fever and no other symptoms, but the doctors felt it was best to test. They screwed up twice so she got nostril jammed 3 times. Hopefully it’s some other bug or something, but it is getting bad around here, and she did attend school 2 days last week and we’ve had a steady stream of pozzing notices from the school system since then.


Those have been super common for some time now.

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Damn breaking your front teeth must be rough. Hope she isn’t too bummed

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25+ years ago My son broke one after losing a race with his brother to the computer after school and banging it on the table. Root canal Had to be done ASAP, missed his best friends awesome bday party. The computer table bore the scar until it fell apart. Good luck with the root canal.

In other news


Is this right? I’ve been told staff was not eligible only college professors.

When speaking over the phone, they asked follow-up questions regarding support staff that are not included on the online questionnaire. Both times I went through it I answered the same way and was purportedly eligible both times. I do agree that things do not seem entirely clear, so your mileage (and mine in a couple weeks I suppose) may vary.

Ok thanks. I’ll have to try getting them on the phone.

That was the biggest miss of this forum collectively (including me).

The fact that we can just pump out a 9/11 a day and no one gives a shit is incredible.


I see local sports reporters claiming their is a study that proves threat high school sports (specifically basketball) PROVE that it’s safe.

Idk wtf they are talking about.

School/college sports is the absolute dumbest shit to be doing right now. Even if you think in-person classes have to happen, why in fuck can we not just skip sports for a year.

On the one hand she’s a bit bummed, but on the other hand she posted a pic on Instagram to all her friends showing her teeth and said “New Year. New Look.” So she’s taking it alright. In a few weeks all the bonding will be done and hopefully it will be good as ever and permanent.


I’m a little worried that the root canal should have been immediate and it was antibiotics in lieu of that.

nah. It needs to be done but if I called a dentist from the ER to do something about it they’d tell me it could wait until tomorrow/Monday/whatever


early but really good news

don’t get caught up in the ‘two-fold’ stuff. Lots of good news there.


Damn she sounds pretty awesome. Vast majority of people would be way too self conscious to post a pic of that.

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anyone here worried about the brazilian mutation?

Tears were shed and she is bummed that she’ll be like this for a little while. I don’t want to make it out like she took it absolutely in stride, but yeah, she is very awesome, made the best of it, and the pic/caption is funny. Worth it.