COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Honestly that’s probably okay if they all get vaccinated. It doesn’t have to be 100% effective for everyone.

lots of younger people

maybe I’m just listing all reasons why numbers would be lower in any area but early and harder lockdowns, healthier and younger population, more educated population that is better able to gauge covid risks, population that is more engaged with their government than most cities and would be more open to follow guidelines, more people able to work from home in tech industry, wealthier population can afford social distancing measures and ppe

fuck you I’m young

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I’m not sure exactly what all today’s fuss was about but i don’t think there is that much disagreement

Now is not the time to relax. Even though trending down the raw case numbers are still very high.

Indoor gatherings remain stupid. Especially unmasked like consumption of food of beverages.

Just because there is tremendous public pressure to OFS, dining, bars, sports and the government relents or is run by idiots is not evidence at all for that it’s safe. If the public health experts are saying no but the politicians are saying yes then by definition it’s not safe.

As far as OFS and the CDC the phrase If done properly and as soon as possible do an awful lot of heavy lifting. I live in a very well to do school district with tons of private schools. Most are open but also have - hybrid model with lower class sizes, environmental controls, mandatory masking, etc. bully for us suburban elites. But to to think that’s representative is naive at best.

Lol Wisconsin Republicans. Fucking murderers.

Mutants are coming. How bad it gets is anyone’s guess. But it’s all the more reason to get this thing as low as possible as soon as possible.

Anyone disagree with any of the above (the general concepts let’s not get lost in the weeds)

The one thing I don’t understand itt is the positions of being both
a)mutants are coming, the sky is falling!

How we are not doing a short hard shutdown like last spring is beyond me. 2-3 weeks. The goal isn’t eradication, just a log drop and hopefully time to vaccinate the most vulnerable. From a lowish background we can divert vaccine to flare up spots and watch for mutants and loss of vaccine effectiveness.


interesting data. i suppose SF may also have higher fraction of population who wear masks too. That’s kinda what happened in seattle. 95% are still distancing and wearing masks. drinking beer under a tent in the rain is already the new thing. many outbreaks in wa have been elsewhere in the state so far.

Gonna assume the Bay Area has relatively low rates because it’s full of wealthy professionals who can work from home.


How is oakland doing compared to SF? (genuinely curious)

I just suspect and would bet that there is a disparity there.

It helps they locked down really early and fairly hard. Some of my clients out there will not allow employees in the building that take public transportation. They will subsidize car driving if necessary to be in the office. Lab experiments are difficult to run at home.

I think the demo/wealth points are valid as well.

Helps that a lot of life can be done outside most days there. Never too hot or too cold. Sometimes too wet.

both are getting blown right now…

amirite? anyone?

so the ancient rivalry is finally settled. The bay area is better than LA area.

Man, that stings. We should have done better with this. The fact the virus hits poor and minority populations much harder than white populations is a factor though. I think LA is more diverse than bay area (but don’t quote me because I’m probably wrong). That’s kind of why I asked about Oakland - I assume that SF is a much whiter, wealthier population.

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French company to mass produce rival’s Covid vaccine

French pharmaceutical company Sanofi says it will start mass production later this year of the coronavirus vaccine developed by its rivals Pfizer/BioNTech.

The assistance is an unusual move by a company normally in competition with other pharmaceuticals.

It comes as countries globally are keen to get their hands on vaccine doses, and a contract to supply 600 million doses to the EU in the coming weeks from AstraZeneca is in doubt.

Sanofi says it’s struck a deal to manufacture about 125 million doses by the end of this year, starting in July, using a converted factory in Germany.

The firm has delayed the launch of its own jab and is under pressure to help the European Union fulfil its vaccine targets.

Sanofi’s chief executive said the contract with Pfizer was a first in the pharmaceutical industry.


Also lower housing/population density, younger population (guessing)?

92% effectiveness (with even more effectiveness against severe disease) isn’t quite a license to go back to normal, but it’s pretty close. Concretely, small gatherings should be fine after you’re vaccinated.



I’m not worried about inviting vaccinated people into my home when they’re vaccinated but I’m not, but 92% effectiveness is population-wide within the context of social distancing and mask wearing in the pandemic. It’s not a measure of an individual’s probability of dodging the disease without any regard for risky activities undertaken or initial viral dose. I wouldn’t take it as a license to eat out at a restaurant, even at low capacity.

I think this happened in my county. they opted to stop wrestling tournaments in Polk County in late December… for the rest of 2020. pretty sure they’ve started back up again though.

The vaccine wars are on. EU countries complaining about not getting enough. AstraZeneca says fuck you the UK got theirs first. Not our fault you were late.

Hooray time to let more people die. Czech Republic has delayed their planned vaccination rollout by a month since they are running out of them.