COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

We re-opened for hybrid (so half the school population or less on campus at any given time) and made it one week before they had to go back to remote due to pozzings. Just today, they extended the remote learning into late February at the earliest due to additional pozzings of staff and administrators. This same thing has happened in other school districts that Iā€™m aware of through friends and family. Open for a short while, close for a bit, open for a short while, close for a longer bit. It makes no sense that this can possibly be safe.

The CDC has economists??


This really isnā€™t controversial. Every sane person wants schools opened as soon as possible. The caveat remains:

as long as mask-wearing and social distancing are maintained


as soon as possible

Considering many schools are still playing high school basketball right now and not maintaining basic safety precautions, it remains nonsense.

The article also mentions ASAP while mentioning that school transmission rates tend to reflect community spread rates whichā€¦ duh. Those have to be related to one another. The issue with that argument is that if schools transmit as much as the background community or even less than the background, it still contributes to spread.

edit: and also the Hawthorne effect risk of this work is off the charts

For what exactly? You still posted an awful source and overstated itā€™s importanceā€¦ and the cdc stuff today doesnā€™t change that.

This is what you literally posted:

You then link the very questionable paper as the reason you find it more interesting.

I donā€™t see what anyone has to apologize for.


My wifeā€™s cousin just text us and said we could come get vaccine shot 1 on Fridayā€¦ I kind of feel like a giant asshole taking her up on it, but not sure I can say no. Granted we have to drive 5 hours each way, but seems worth it. Asshole move or not?

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given that there is going to be a day in the not too distant future where we are literally begging people to get one, I think itā€™s fine.

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If youā€™re not doing anything fraudulently, go for itā€“assumimg you donā€™t mind the driving.

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Wife is a teacher and I have to go in surrounded by maskless idiots every day to work so it seems okay?


Iā€™d do it.


I mean I would be going to a different state so not sure of the fraudulent aspect of that.

They are throwing unused doses in the trash all over the place. If you can get stabbed, get stabbed and donā€™t look back. Assuming youā€™ll be able to be scheduled for the second shot at the appropriate time.


I was critical of Bidenā€™s lack of a Covid plan 1 week prior to inauguration. Iā€™m happy to say that is looking pretty dumb so far. If he pulls off getting everyone who wants a vax fully vaccinated in the next 6 months that will be amazing.


Go for it. If itā€™s that easy for you, theyā€™ve already gotten the front line people who want it. Every vaccination helps everyone else.


My friend sent me this article today and asked about this specific line:

Is this something that was known before? I donā€™t recall hearing about efficacy rate being that high before the second dose. Seems awesome if Iā€™m interpreting it correctly.


I have no reason to doubt that. It does sound so high that I almost wonder about the utility of the 2nd dose vs. one dose to more people, but I suspect they designed their vaccine and the ensuing study around 2 doses, and the high efficacy of the first dose was a happy accident.

Itā€™s very important to remember, however, that the effectiveness numbers are population wide, among a population generally engaged in mask wearing and social distancing. Getting a 92% effective shot is not a license to go back to normal, just that youā€™ll probably protected until we do.


Yea absolutely. I have some fear that a ton of people will yolo it up after they get their vaccines because the general public doesnā€™t really understand what 96% effective means or how that number was achieved. I am definitely very happy with this news (to me at least) of 92% efficacy 14 days out since this Friday will be the two week mark for me. Iā€™m not going on a door knob licking spree though.

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Donā€™t worry Iā€™m sure that cdc study of rural Wisconsin schools will generalize well