COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

It’s only a rivalry to the Bay Area. LA thinks the Bay Area is a beautiful place that’s fun to visit and otherwise doesn’t think much about it.


lol, true. But Dodgers ----> Giants rivalry is very real to me. However, the animosity does seem very one sided.

And I think by and large angelinos will agree with most of the criticisms of LA. But my god if you talk shit on the bay area…

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Well fuck I hadn’t really considered this and but its super obvious and kinda breaks my heart.

So lets say we obviously never get to herd immunity vaccination rates. Lets say we get 50% of the population rate vaccinated and thats all that will take it.

Are we just never getting back to normal?

I plan on YOLOing it after I’m vaccinated, with the possible exception of masks during high risk activities like poker.


In this scenario then IMO the medium-term in the USA is a return to quasi-normalcy with an endemic virus. For an extended period everyone will choose how to live based on their own risk tolerance and we’ll just have a dull roar of deaths and long COVID in the background. So we get 5 million cases of COVID a year or whatever with 80K deaths and whatever long COVID that translates into and everyone just has to decide how much exposure they are comfortable with. States are loosening restrictions just off the peak, once the vax rolls out if it is effective and we have the healthcare capacity I cant see much of an appetite for anything else.


Sure, but COVID is going to be another one of those seasonal bugs that passes through.

Beyond my scope of expertise, but I don’t see this. We’ve yet to see significant re-infection rates. Vaccines seem to be working well. There’s no reservoir that I’m aware of. I don’t see the mechanism for this.

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The reservoir I see is people. Take 3rd world countries and 1st world anti-vaxxers and their will be a supply trickling around and with global travel back on…

I don’t think there will be a polio style eradication campaign. At a minimum CDC/WHO need a real monitoring program for outbreaks and mutant detection and check for antigen drift around vaccines and antibody therapy.

I don’t think this thing will cause another pandemic on this scale but wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a few years of firefighting.

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I’m thinking when ~50% of Americans refuse to get vaccinated, USA becomes a nice big reservoir for COVID to kick around and adapt. I’m just spitballing tho, who knows.

Got on the county website. My extra lbs got my one checkbox. My wife working in the legal industry got her one.

So no clue when it will get to us. Maybe 1B or 2?

Am trying to volunteer for Covid stuff locally. Email with forms to fill out was not very user friendly. Will give it a few days and if no word will try more direct approaches.

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That seems likely enough, but I’d expect there to be lower and lower amplitude waves unless covid can jump into re-infection territory. Pure speculation on my part though.

Hopefully it’s not much worse then needing booster shots with updated antigen sequences every couple of years.

I don’t remember which expert said it, but we have to consider Covid-19 as just the warning shot for the real pandemic likely to come. It’s only our own imcompetence that has made it so bad.

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Not sure what to do with positions like this… It will be eventually right I suppose, but if we’ve gone all of modern medicine without a ‘real pandemic’ then how likely is it?

Doesn’t seem too likely to me, but idk.

I will be a lot more normal than I am right now. Meeting with friends regularly, going to restaurants (not super crowded), going to workout classes.

But I’ll obviously mask in all situations that require it, and avoid crowded settings.

Grunching this but where’s the obvious “Not right now” option?

PS: obv not voting “Bastard” for this one.

I’m wondering how safe would my yoloing be with me and mom vaccinated. We don’t really know right because we have no idea how effective the vaccine is a Yolo society.

How risky would if be for me to go to an outdoor festival says summer 2022 assuming group is like 60% vaccinated? No way to know right?

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You’d know if the overall case numbers were driven down to a negligible number.

Stuff will go back to normal when death numbers are driven down, vaccination is only indirectly related.

To be clear, people talking about masking up in public post-vaccine, you’re doing so because there is still a small chance of infection? Or because the jury is out on spreading it after vaccinated, which as I understand it is unlikely but still possible?

Both are possibilities, but for me it’s mainly acting like a normal functioning adult.

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