COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Where I am businesses didnt even close. It’s been this way the whole time. I didn’t even know there was still a stay at home order! There’s no enforcement. No real plan. They’re just throwing shit to the wall and seeing what sticks at this point.

We should be in an extended stay at home order, like we had last march (where people actually followed it), until we have vaccinated everyone older than 45 and with preexisting conditions. That’s what I want. I don’t care if it’s 6 months or a year, that’s how we can save the most lives. Anything less than that is a crime, we are headed towards a real crisis here.

We were already operating under this 4 color tiered system and socal hit 0% ICU capacity the other day. It just isn’t working. This latest proclamation is just going “see, it worked!” and goes right back to what hasn’t been working in the first place.


Also this shit hit a little close to me very recently so that’s probably where some vitriol is coming from.

And yea I know even though he OFB today he didn’t “really” OFB like in my area, with 0% capacity, we will remain closed (except for people who just say fuck it and stay open anyway) but who can even tell with this system, no one really knows how it actually works, including the people that made it.

I generally agree with everything you said. I just don’t blame Newsom for the situation we are in (well, maybe I blame him 1%).

Did he…really mean this?

The control group is people who stay the fuck home not the average which includes some very dangerous professions like front line health care.

It’s like comparing a middle class income to Bill Gates. It’s not very much. But if you compare it to people in poverty it’s a fuck ton of money.

The headline implies that teaching isn’t dangerous because it’s comparing it to everything including and in particular (the charts) known more dangerous professions.

If you can’t understand the bias involved then I can’t help you. You just don’t want to see it no matter how many times you come in here with the same old shite.

Canadian Government doing some UK variant contingency studies. 5-6 weeks is the ETA, similar to US

High-transmission variants in Canada

January 25, 2021

What happens if a high-transmission variant becomes established, and is transmitted in the general community in Canada?

What does it mean?

The punch line is that failure to prevent or contain this now spells disaster in March. While we don’t see much impact for ~6 weeks, when it comes it comes steeply, with a doubling time of 1-2 weeks, compared to doubling times like 30-40 days recently in provinces like Ontario. Exponential growth is fast - when you’re halfway to the maximum capacity you can tolerate (in hospitalization, ICU, contact tracing capacity, or wherever the bottlenecks are), you only have one doubling time left. But it might have taken 8 doubling times to get to halfway.

This graph assumes UK variant is +40% more transmissable when the clever money is on +55% (range estimated at +30%-80%). Also assumes same mitigation measures as currently used.

IMO no international travel for the next 12 months minimum as I’m hearing vaccines need redesigning now due to ‘dozens’ of mutations they can see down the line but are not even named yet. The problem lies in needing to design numerous different vaccines for different variants targets and if your population has too many of these variants, it’s possibly game over for vaccines - talk that anti-virals should be worked on as a back up. Almost every country will close it borders and will have to quarantine returning citizens to keep the variants as a number managable by 1 or 2 vaccines IMO.

US still letting in citizens without quarantine from anywhere in the world - risky stuff - UK variant confirmed in 22 states.

UK moving to closed to ALL non-nationals and 10 days guarded hotel quaratine model for returning citizens like Oz and Thailand within days seems almost certain.

Summer doesn’t start until June 20th, so maybe. Seems doable.

The nuanced view is that he thinks anyone who wants one will be able to get one by spring, but it will be a great logistical challenge to pull off. When we consider that spring ends on June 20, I think it is possible, depending on how many people actually want it.

Let’s’ say that 70% of approximately 200 million adults want the vaccine and we’re only talking about adults. Let’s also say that it is possible to ramp up the rate of vaccinations to at least 2 million per day by the end of February (Walgreens and CVS, who have been contracted by the government, seem to be saying they will have close to that capacity at full utilization), which I think is doable. Depending on how much is done before the end of February and how far over that number they go, I think it’s feasible they get reasonably close to everyone who wants one getting at least the first shot by the end of spring, but I’m not sure I would bet on it.

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Loosening of restrictions in LA County, which seems nuts. And we’ve got county rules, state rules, state restrictions on counties (I think), city rules, and almost no enforcement of any of it. To me, this indicates a failure of leadership.

Amid promising signs that the worst wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is starting to recede, California lifted all stay-at-home orders Monday — clearing the way for a wider reopening in many regions, including Los Angeles County.

On the heels of the state’s announcement rescinding the regional stay-at-home order, officials in California’s most populous county said they planned to take advantage of the relaxed restrictions — allowing for the reopening of personal care services and outdoor dining at restaurants.

L.A. County health officials suspended outdoor dining in late November, prompting immediate outcry from pandemic-battered restaurateurs and pushback from residents and some politicians. Legal action since then aims to overturn the order.

Shortly after the county’s ban went into effect, the state handed down the regional stay-at-home order, which widened the outdoor dining prohibition and imposed a host of new restrictions across all of Southern California.

L.A. County Supervisor Hilda Solis said Monday the county would “essentially align with the state” on permitted activities — adding that “this will include outdoor dining.”

“Please don’t take this news to mean that you can return to life as normal,” she said. “Masks, physical distancing and limiting activities are still key to getting out of this pandemic until we can get everyone vaccinated.”

It probably will tbh. ICU capacity is a very lagging indicator and hospitalizations are down.

Still way too early obv

Newsom seems like the kind of guy who wants to open for business just enough so that he can get away with cheating on his wife.


She seems like a long descent story to me tbh. She’s obviously a monster, but there are monsters everywhere. At least he didn’t keep her around.


He should have obviously resigned right after French Laundry, seems like it could have even been a bipartisan decision

obviously never happening in the most cucked nation in the world


I think it’s more that he has an ex who hasn’t ever loved anyone and never will. The number of personality disorders in the Trump orbit is astounding. Like bugs around a light.

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I mean the sexual harassment stuff she was accused of over at Fox. That woman is not OK. I know I call out personality disorders a lot because I think they’re a hugely underestimated source of social problems that are much more common than most people think… but Kim Guilfoyle has a condition just like Donald does. Which one I’ll leave to the shrinks, but it’s something bad.

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Oh and quick (happy) update on COVID… still basically asymptomatic. Some body aches nothing else otherwise. Those weren’t even all that bad. Routinely hurts way more to lift weights a little bit wrong.

Wife is fine.


Switching to Team Virus was the best decision I ever made.

Amid promising signs that the worst wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is starting to recede, California lifted all stay-at-home orders Monday — clearing the way for a wider reopening in many regions, including Los Angeles County.

YEA such promising signs as southern california being at 0% ICU capacity GODDDDDD I am so effing tilted by this today and all the coverage as well

just wait til super-covid takes hold here. We are absolutely fucked and I will have to stay in my house for 4 months straight again.

The other infuriating angle to this is every single deplorable in all my local pages has been absolutely crowing about how they were right that covid restrictions would ease as soon as Biden was president. “See, it was just a political ploy to bring down trump!”


White people

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