COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Correct me if I’m wrong but Italy have traced Covid back at least as early as November 2019, in monthly sewage samples taken from the time. France first case is early Dec 2019.

Closing any borders 10 months ago might have limited initial spread but unlikely anywhere in EU was going to be a NZ (IMO)… unless we closed borders 2 motnhs before covid was heard of

Plus you can lock down and get things under control, but the minute you lessen the restrictions, it’ll just pop back up and go exponential.

Oh I don’t disagree that would almost certainly have been a superior course of action. Don’t think things would be “over” had that happened, but absolutely there would have been fewer lives destroyed by the virus.

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I can’t speak at all to specifics of this vaccine, but there have been raw goods issues for months. If it’s a vials issue, I wouldn’t be surprised. It comes and goes a bit, but there are basic medical goods - things like Microbiology plates, which we cannot get. So we use an inferior product, change process, etc. It is madness right now.

From CP - assuming this poster knows what they’re talking about, it sounds like what I kind of suspected - the real bottleneck is raw materials and subcomponents in the manufacturing process. Maybe the DPA could help?

Biden speaking now, saying he’s going to use DPA.

I didn’t catch the name or credentials of a doctor/expert on CNN earlier but basically the massage was

More cases=more replication=more mutants

Immune response is much more than the neutralizing antibody, both naturally and vaccine acquired. It should be robust enough to give very good protection for now. Long term the vaccines will need to be updated.

Monoclonals and convalescent plasma may lose effectiveness because they are focused on only/primarily the neutralizing antibodies.

The faster we can knock it down with social D, masking, and vaccinations, the better.

Supply out from the feds to the locals is the primary issue. Localities will adjust once they get more supply.

J&J with one shot regime and a promised rapid production of a billion doses has potential to be a big game changer.

It would have been so easy for Trump to do a B- job on Covid and get re-elected in a walk. We only had to turf 400,000 plus as a trade-off to get him out of office. Thanks awval.

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Republic was 29th Feb - presumably upon new, early testing on return the residents from Italy. I’m talking about early cases before covid tests, possibly deaths blamed on pneumonia before covid was a thing. Ireland’s date should be at least two weeks before 29th feb when the surveillance is done - when did Ireland start testing - be a miracle if the first positive test case was indeed the first ever case within the country.

Meh, you know I ain’t disagreeing with you but retrospect is always easy but no country, other than China was closing mid feb - Italy was thinking about it

My parents had the opportunity to get their vaccines from my hospital. Apparently my idiot brother convinced them they shouldn’t take the vaccine because they hadn’t been “tested” properly. I had planned to visit more often now that my wife and I had been vaccinated. Instead I laid down the ultimatum that they won’t see me again until they can show me their vaccination card. I really need to cut out all the idiots in my life


But aren’t we also completely out of vaccine doses because the “reserve” the Biden administration was planning on distributing to speed things up didn’t exist? This all reminds me of Obama promising to bring unemployment numbers down when he campaigned, only to find out the Bush administration was masking the numbers and they were something like 4 times worse than expected.

I think it’s a bit misleading. We are at almost a million doses per day of distribution capacity, but the whole distribution bottleneck is just because everyone involved is a complete incompetent–giving the shots isn’t actually the hard part. Getting enough vaccines produced for 200 million doses still needs to be produced.

Also, note that it’s easier to do 1M shots/day early on, but to maintain that pace, you need to average 2M shots/day to cover the second doses for people.

None of that is to say that the goal is not too cautious, but it does require significant improvement from where we are now.

I like the sound of this.

Because governments are too scared of losing popularity by making a decision that turns out to be wrong, so they wait for others to act first, which in this case was fatal for millions of people.

This really was a case of lay people seeing the necessity of something that governments refused to acknowledge.

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I’m not trying to be a dick here but I really really doubt you would want to switch COVID experiences with the one I’ve had here in Central Texas. If we’re getting the vaccine faster (I still haven’t and probably won’t until the summer) it’s at least partly because we’re getting absolutely crushed with hospitals running out of things like O2 (not in Central Texas but we’re close to overloaded right now). We straight up need it more and yes I’m sorry Trump is an incompetent asshole. Trust me I’m living with the consequences of it.

Seriously we have a week left before my wife’s second vaccination at work and of course someone got pozzed and then spent an hour (masked thank fuck) in a nursing meeting with everyone else in a relatively small space. This is like the 20th one of these and we’ve been lucky so far, but yeah we’ve been living in close proximity with this thing since March.

It’s not that I don’t know how bad it would be if it got into your old folks homes… My wife has spent her whole career in memory care basically. She’s watched a whole bunch of people die of COVID this year. Not as many as the ICU people obviously, but a double digit % of her patients died of COVID this year. Those places turn into slaughter houses when the virus gets in.

Still right now our old folks homes are getting a new positive case a week of staff from community spread it feels like. The number of people in the general population infected right now is mind boggling. Like I know that there are a lot of stats being thrown around in this thread, but out here in real life it’s worse. We won’t know what the real stats were for a while because they’ve been lying about it the whole time… but it is dystopian as fuck over here right now.


The videos on YouTube would help with how to put it on and use and stuff. But when I got fitted for an N95 at work they put this big ass hood on your head and sprayed a strong smelling sent into the hood to see if you can smell it as part of the fitting. Which would be hard to do properly on your own.

Btw putting a big ass hood on your head which twenty other people put on, even though they disinfect them in between, was not comforting.

Oh and fuck NY state. They give a roll out which did not include college teachers, then included them. Ok good they should get it.

But how about staff which has to go clean the classrooms and go into actual COVID isolation buildings to do repairs and clean. Nope. Shit like that can make someone want write a strongly worded letter.


Update im actually taking my mom to get her vaccine tomorrow. My sisters hospital came through. So fucking sweet


You’ve told us how hard it was to take care of her, that’s great.


While there ot won’t hurt to ask if you can get it too. I’ve now heard of two different people who were offered a vaccine when they arrived with someone who had an appointment.


The tribal clinic my sister goes to is offering vaccines to any patient any age with a chart there. I tried to get a physical there years ago, but the wait was 13 months so I blew it off. She got the vaccine Wednesday.

My partner (funeral director) was pissed because she still hasn’t been able to get it. Biased view obv, but it’s obscene that funeral workers aren’t included with other first responders. But she was finally able to book an appointment this afternoon for herself (and her 70+ parents) for next Friday.

The tribal clinic I use it currently vaccinating 65+ only. I’ll probably be able to get it much sooner through them than the health department. I am desperate to get into a gym. A year of quarantine has got my BMI into pre-existing condition territory.