COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

PM: New (UK) variant ‘associated with higher degree of mortality’

The PM begins by saying that the government has tried to update the public as soon as possible to changes to scientific data on the coronavirus.

He says it “now appears there is some evidence that the new variant… may be associated with a higher degree of mortality”.


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Some numbers…

New UK variant could be up to 30% more deadly than original

For someone aged 60 the average risk is that for 1,000 people who got infected, rougly 10 would be expected to die with the old virus, he says.

With the new virus, roughly 13 or 14 people might be expected to die, he says.

He said you would see this across the different age groups too.

He stresses there is uncertainty around these numbers but there seems to be an increase in mortality as well as transmissibility.


Also confirmed vaccine good against UK variant but studies showing vaccine not so effective with SA and Brazil variants

Your article doesn’t say that at all.

It’s being streamed around the world currently (article will follow)

Good news about vaccine effectiveness - Vallance

There is, Vallance adds, “increasing confidence” - and clinical data to back this up - that vaccines will be equally effective in providing protection against the new Kent variant as well as the old variant.

This is good news, he says.

But he says there is “more concern” about the susceptibility of the South African and Brazilian variants to vaccinations.

There are concerns about this, he says, adding that it is being studied at laboratories around the world.


We got appointments for my mom and m-in-l for vaccines next Friday at Dodger Stadium.


“Higher mortality” doesn’t tell us anything about how effective the vaccines are.

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They should let people run around the bases once after the get the jab. More people would show up that way.


Under what criterion are they qualifying for vaccine?

Or televise homerun competitions where only the winner gets vaccinated. Tough luck grandma, you need to work on your batspeed.


Which part of the following don’t you quite understand? This has nothing to do with higher mortality - that’s the UK variant, not the SA or Brazil variant which the following quote relates to…

But he says there is “more concern” about the susceptibility of the South African and Brazilian variants to vaccinations.

There are concerns about this, he says, adding that it is being studied at laboratories around the world.

The UK Health Minister went on air 8hrs ago, 6hrs before above quote claiming the first study of vaccines vs SA / Brazil variant shows 50% less effectiveness than with the old variants. But that’s just the one completed study to date.

don’t you mean efficacy?

also citation needed

Well done, glad I taught you something new

It sounds like there’s a great deal of uncertainty for all of this.

to be clear, you were always wrong on that.

Citation needed on this claim.


Does not say this:

Please be more careful with your commentary.

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To be far most of the MSM also assumes absence of evidence = evidence of absence as well.

yes, it sounds like those countries with advanced genomic surveillance have had a few weeks to test this new variant against blood plasma from those who were vaccinated a few weeks ago and the results are looking decidely dodgy