COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Well yeah there’s no guarantee it that you won’t be able to catch it and spread it as of now.

It does, however, make it extremely unlikely that you’ll have a symptomatic course if you do get it.

We all knew this already but here is the confirmation.


I think the three stage clinical trial system is Good, Actually. And while you can fast track as much as possible, having a big stage three trial with tens of thousands of people is important. And it’s irresponsible to the people who participate in the stage 3 trial if the first two stages aren’t done.

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This is very unfair to Donnie Dumb Dumb. Blaming Chiner and Democrat Governors is a plan. It’s just a terrible plan.

And yet America has a higher vaccination rate than countries with an actual plan

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This article seems kind of empty and dumb. From everything I’ve seen the bottleneck has been states not getting the vaccine into arms fast enough. So if you want to say there’s no plan for that, sure. But there was always a plan for getting it distributed to the states, which seemed mostly ok.

Now it seems like states are catching up and running out of supply. But it’s not clear if that’s because of lack of distribution or lack of manufacturing, which of course the vacant article doesn’t address either.

Countries are building their own plants to manufacture the glass vials the vaccine is transported in - where’s the US getting it’s vials?

It’s the ‘fill and finish’ where the delays are. That and having to quality assess every batch before distribution.

Any good vaccine plan will include ensuring your own supply of vials and syringes, in times of ‘high’ demand where the chinese previously catered for 90% of world supply.

Not exactly. The flu vaccine doesn’t have to go through the same rigor year after year, although they do have to meet some standards. I assume covid vaccines, should updates be necessary, would get the same treatment.

Yea lol, no wonder they wouldn’t let the transition team access to any info/plans, because there weren’t any. Probably the same for foreign policy. Whatever Trump watched the night before on fox was the plan for the day.


But didn’t they already distribute 30M doses to the states or whatever? I mean we were all here for this right? It doesn’t make sense to say there was no plan when the initial distribution already happened.

What does make sense is to say the idea of leaving the last mile to the states was wrong. But that takes nuance and detail that this crappy headline-grabbing article lacks.

Yay! Found out my folks have an appointment to get Moderna, too.

I’m encouraged that now Moderna is showing up a lot. It had been mostly Pfizer that I’d been seeing people get.



Some directionally encouraging results on take-up rates

  • 87% of those 65 and over plan to get vaccinated
  • 69% of those 50 to 64 plan to get vaccinated
  • lower rates for younger age groups, but still over 50%

People have more trust in seeing someone they know get the vaccine and not immediately dying, than they do of a 6-month clinical trial with 1000s of participants. People are dumb.

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Austria is also recommending FFP2 starting Jan 19th and mandating it starting Jan 25th (?). The Jan 19th recommendation was announced a few days in advance. Why they didn’t make the recommendation effective immediately is one of the quirks of bureaucracy I’ll never understand.


I can’t comment on the system in general, but if we are going to have the ability to make high-quality vaccines at a moment’s notice and produce them from existing infrastructure, then there’s no way it’s justifiable to deny vaccination to hundreds of millions of people for months. It has to be much faster, at least for something like COVID.

The Biden team is definitely lowering expectations on purpose.

Every single administration official hammers the 100 million doses in 100 days thing when on TV. And, honestly, the strategy is working. I’ve seen journalists describe the goal as “ambitious” or “lofty” many times today already. Nobody seems to notice the goal isn’t actually ambitious at all (as others have noted, we’re already averaging 900k+ a day).

So it should be an easy win for Biden. I just hope they don’t take their foot off the gas when it becomes clear we’re hitting the goal. We should be able to do way better than 1m per day.


NZ would be a stretch imo - some South East Asian countries maybe.

Also that anonymously sourced hopelessly vague article that CNN was happy to parrot saying “there is no plan”. Lowering expectations.


They could have gone sooner than that, even.

It was clear by the end of January that deaths were doubling every ~3 days in China, as I wrote about itf at the time.

It took Johnson’s bag of septic shite two more months to lock down.

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